alter ego by summerfield

alter ego

the two sides of me, the studious, serious, bookish, anal me, and the playful, crazy, loony, and sometimes bordering on madness me.

25th saturday of the 52 portraits of me project; for this segment the prompt is 'alter ego'.

i'm going to be 64 soon but i still feel like i am in my late 20's/early 30's, but without the pms. then sometimes my body betrays me by reminding me i am almost halfway the 60th decade though a lot of the times people tell me i don't look my age. why, occasionally a young buck would flirt with me or some middle aged guy would think i am within his age bracket and would have the audacity to ask me for a date. (yes, lurkers, i still got it, so eat your heart out!) thankfully, the me on the left is always reminding the me on the right of the truth, that i am no spring chicken and that my age calls for some sensible behaviour. of course, there were times that i'd faltered, i had some slips, but we are all entitled to that.

i think the secret to staying young and thinking (reasonably) young is to let the crazy playful you to have equal time as you may let the serious side. within the reasonable bounds of polite society and convention, of course.

backfilling, no need to comment. but if you do, i thank you a lot.
You are very creative, a great representation of both sides of your personality
June 30th, 2017  
Fabulous! Very creative!
June 30th, 2017  
cool... fav.. I can relate
June 30th, 2017  
so fun
June 30th, 2017  
Lovely! a nice concept, expertly created.
June 30th, 2017  
I love this shot of the two of you and your explanation as well. :)
June 30th, 2017  
You are definitely my kind of girl! Both of them. I also embrace your philosophy and am right there with you sista! Perfect illustrative image of your two very complex sides.
June 30th, 2017  
Great shot of the "two" of you. I love it.
June 30th, 2017  
The photo and the commentary are great. You are very self-aware.
June 30th, 2017  
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