when there are no photo opportunities on a friday, what to do? one word: flamingo!
a journey back to last year's sojourn at the toronto zoo with the northster. there are always a couple of ducks mingling with the flamingos. i call them flamingo wanna-be's; or they probably thought they were flamingos. it's so funny how they would swim around those long legs and the flamingos just ignore them.
kinda like those cool kids in high school who ignored me because, you know, they were the cool and popular kids. until i restored the school to its oratorical glory then they noticed me. and i ignored them. now they keep sending me requests to be friends on facebook. i still ignore them. cool kids can't spell nor construct a correct sentence! they aren't so cool after all.
i woke up this morning from a recurring dream of a place i know i've been to before but just couldn't remember where or when. then i looked at my post last night which was a photo album concept and i found that i didn't like it. so i re-did it, but when i was going to change it, i saw that it was on popular page so i left it alone and thought i'd save the one i have in mind for the next challenge. but i thank you for your comments.
there is a certain pleasure in ignoring facebook friend requests at times. The flamingo shot really makes me stop and wonder about their balancing skills - so much mass on such spindly and awkward legs.