for week 26 of the 52 captures challenge, the prompt was comedy/humour.
these two loonies are my brother's two youngest. they have inherited the family's weird sense of humour and more. my brother certainly did have a weird sense of humour. we certainly make light of our circumstances in life, especially when we were young and were very poor, but then we all got jobs and we still made fun of ourselves (and of everyone in our path). but what else is there to do but enjoy life!
Hah! That’s how I got my first teaching job. I went in to “observe” a special Ed preschool, put my glasses over my hair, growled and chased the little kids and had them howling with laughter. I didn’t notice the group of adults who had gathered in the doorway, superintendent and program director and principal
I call her “Mrs Bad” and bring her out at lots of recess times.
I call her “Mrs Bad” and bring her out at lots of recess times.