Just a little pic to remind me of the day we saw TWO pilieated woodpeckers at the same time! This was a rushed shot, taken through a double pane window and through a bunch of trees, stretching the limits of my camera's zoom and making the image pretty hazy.
Our house is built on a hill so when we look out the back windows, we're often looking down on birds in the trees, hence the odd perspective. They disappeared before I could get closer.
This pic strikes close to home as I have been trying to get a shot of a Pilieated on my property for over a year...elusive beasts!...great shot...thanks for posting it!
Wow, 2 at once. I've only seen that one time in all the years I've lived here. They are so elusive and hard to catch. Glad you were able to capture this one so well.
i actually like the effect taken through the window.