Suspended Walkway by susiangelgirl

Suspended Walkway

This walkway starts at the foreshore and ends in Hunter Street. It's slated for demolition so I thought I'd better photograph it before it's too late.
Wow!! Stunning. I'm glad you got this shot before it was demolished.
July 27th, 2016  
Excellent shot
July 27th, 2016  
Excellent leading lines, symmetry
July 27th, 2016  
What great shapes it makes. Seems a shame to demolish it
July 27th, 2016  
Great lines and angles
July 27th, 2016  
Cool lines pity it's coming down
July 27th, 2016  
Looks very modern. A wonderful capture
July 27th, 2016  
Great shot. And just a little eerie.
July 27th, 2016  

Great leading lines, you even managed to keep a beach theme with that touch of blue in the image Fav.
July 27th, 2016  
Great, strong composition. These sort of things should definitely be photographed for documentary reasons
July 27th, 2016  
Fabulous leading lines, really draws the eye into the image
July 27th, 2016  
Great capture, wonderful lighting. Seems a shame it will be demolished
July 27th, 2016  
Too bad they are going to destroy it. It is beautiful, and you really captured that beauty.
July 27th, 2016  
What a beautiful walkway - too bad they are going to demolish it.
July 27th, 2016  
Oh no, how sad. I have photographed this walkway lots of times. It will be really sad to see it go. Typical developers, of course, they want to build on the railway don't they.
July 27th, 2016  
Lovely pov and such a shame
July 27th, 2016  
Great lines and angles.
July 27th, 2016  
Very angular. Good sharp shot! Love it!
July 27th, 2016  
Great shot of symmetry and lines. fav.
July 27th, 2016  
Well done! Great shot!
July 27th, 2016  
Very cool shot!
July 28th, 2016  
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