My blue eyed boy by suzanne234

My blue eyed boy

Joshua, my Grandson, complete with furry spaceship and blankie
Great processing. FAv
September 2nd, 2017  
Wonderful edit Suzanne...
September 2nd, 2017  
Beautiful blue eyes. I love the processing :)
September 2nd, 2017  
Fabulous processing, wonderful eyes.
September 2nd, 2017  
A drawing or processing.? In both cases a lovely and beautiful portrait.
September 2nd, 2017  
Wouldn't this look fabulous on the wall of his bedroom?!!
September 2nd, 2017  
You really nailed the processing on this Suzanne. Looks just like a painting
September 2nd, 2017  
Lovely processing, stunning eyes
September 3rd, 2017  
Simply beautiful those eyes
September 3rd, 2017  
Cool processing! fav
September 3rd, 2017  
Great graphic art look to this.
September 3rd, 2017  
Love the processing - highlights the cute lips, those gorgeous blue eyes and the lovely soft cheeks.
September 3rd, 2017  
Great processing!
September 3rd, 2017  
Love the processing.
September 3rd, 2017  
So sweet!
September 3rd, 2017  
fantastic! I hope you put this on a big canvas.
September 3rd, 2017  
Wonderful processing to bring out his gorgeous blue eyes. Wonderful image.
September 3rd, 2017  
This is so adorable! I love the processing done on this fabulous shot! Great colors, those eyes...Fav!
What did you use?
September 3rd, 2017  
Absolutely gorgeous!
September 3rd, 2017  
totally love this, processing is Fab great detail looks like a painting, can I ask what you used is lovely Suzanne? be great on the wall FAV
September 3rd, 2017  
Very cute :)
September 3rd, 2017  
Stunning processing. He is such a sweet little boy. Fav.
September 3rd, 2017  
Well done. The warm lighting and the close up positioning creates a painting effect for me. Fav
September 3rd, 2017  
Beautiful portrait. Love the processing. Fav
September 3rd, 2017  
A lovely portrait and processing fav
September 3rd, 2017  
@lovingandsharing @gardenfolk Thank you ladies for your lovely comments, this was done in Prisma, a free phone app that has some really cool effects, and more importantly (well for me it is) it is really easy to use :-)
September 3rd, 2017  
@suzanne234 Thank you for the info! I must try that for my grand boys...easy is all I can use! PS...I finally posted one of my tree leaves shot we talked about.
September 3rd, 2017  
adorable capture and beautiful eyes...
September 4th, 2017  
wonderful portrait
September 4th, 2017  
He's so cute! - love the processing, it makes it look like an oil painting 😊
September 6th, 2017  
Wonderful processing and composition.
September 8th, 2017  
Wonderful portrait.
September 26th, 2017  
'eyeslikesaucers' is a great tag for this one.
October 31st, 2017  
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