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This is yet another run at 365 Project. I've had several. The first was interrupted by my full-time work and full-time pursuit of a degree.

My second attempt was cut short by my basic nature, succumbing to entropy, inertia and sloth (sounds like a law firm, doesn't it?).

The third go round was, well, I won't bore you with the details and just refer you to the aforementioned law firm.

So, here I am again, ready to shake off the rust again and re-adopt my shutterbug persona. This time has a somewhat better chance of completion as I am now retired.

I'm off to a pretty good start. Here are the pictures I've taken that have landed on the Popular Page: https://alexisbirkill.com/365project/popularpage/getuserdetails.php?username=timerskine

I'm also participating in the "Get Pushed Challenge" where I am paired up with someone else and we each challenge each other to shoot something a little different than we would normally shoot, based on a review of their albums. My responses to each challenge can be found here: http://365project.org/tags/timerskine-GP