Macro Drying Sunflower by tosee

Macro Drying Sunflower

My Sunflowers are fading, drying, but still have
charm. This was taken with my Tameron Macro
lens with a ef 25 extension tube. Tripod and a very fussy manual focus. In very close, It was
an interseting challenge and fun
Like these warm colors!
May 4th, 2013  
These colours are wonderful. Is that the Tamron 90 mm macro lens? Am thinking of getting one of these: would you recommend it?
May 4th, 2013  
Yes it is the Tamron 90 mm macro. It has very good sharpness but
on my canon 7d hunts a bit for the focus depending on the subject matter.. I do use it a lot both as macro and non macro. I like the lens but not the hunting for focus at times. In those cases I go to manual focus
May 5th, 2013  
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