Pink Perfection  by wendyfrost

Pink Perfection

I saw these beauties in the garden centre but managed to refrain from buying any. I never thought to see see what their name was.
Trying to catch up on Pippa's Pink week as I haven't been out for a while and then I forgot my camera but used my phone instead.
Pleased to say that Pippa is home at last after 4 weeks in Addenbrooks and then a further stay in a hospital closer to home .
So pretty - I believe its "Bee Balm " Pleased to hear the good news re your great grand daughter Pippa - I hope all is going well with her development !
July 4th, 2024  
July 4th, 2024  
These are really pretty, Wendy! And more pink for lovely Pippa. So glad to hear that she is now home! xo Fav
July 4th, 2024  
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