Lipstick. by wendyfrost


May word - Lipstick.
A few shots I took in John Lewis Store they have a wonderful display of Expensive lipsticks.
Aw and I thought it was a selfie! :-) Good on you taking photos in John Lewis! I love a new lipstick, trouble is that when you get it home its not as right as you thought it was!!
May 4th, 2016  
@Cherrill I wish it was a selfie that's one thing I haver never perfected. haha. Isn't she beautiful and I think I will have to treat myself to an expensive lipstick one of these days and try and get the right colour.
May 4th, 2016  
A striking collage! I'm bewildered as M&S have discontinues my fav lippie 'grape' and Boots have changed all theirs to non-pearlescent which is what I like.....
May 4th, 2016  
@quietpurplehaze It is annoying when your favourites dissappear off the shelves I hope you will find
something you like.. Thankyou for viewing and commenting always appreciated
May 4th, 2016  
May 4th, 2016  
Nice one ! I hate buying a new lipstick -- I seem to have a wrist-full of coloured samples and then fail to buy the right one !!
May 4th, 2016  
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