under the needle by wiesnerbeth

under the needle

In between bouts of coughing, I managed to do a little quilting.
That's lovely! One of these years I'm gonna figure out how to make pretty things.
November 8th, 2016  
@kestrelkitten I love making things -- sometimes more expensive, but you make what you like and it's very relaxing.
November 9th, 2016  
@wiesnerbeth Thus far my attempts at making things have been... crooked? I crochet crooked, I sew crooked, I cross-stitch crooked... I seem to do okay with latch hook rugs lol. I very much want to make pretty things and it's frustrating that I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. But us autistic people are known for being clumsy and uncoordinated, so I TRY to not beat myself up and tell myself it's alright to just have fun. I think I do pretty well with scrapbooking. I did make a pretty decent mug in pottery class. Shaped the handle really weird, but the shape of the cup part is nice. And even though the handle looks weird it actually is super functional for me. Quilting has intimidated me too much to try so far, but someday.
November 10th, 2016  
@kestrelkitten Most of my quilting is crooked! I cover it up with lots of fabrics or buttons. I have two mottos -- "if you can't see it from a running horse, it's fine" and "finished is better than perfect." Still, I understand wanting things to be perfect. Maybe try some modern quilting patterns? They are very free-form and aren't supposed to line up perfectly.
November 10th, 2016  
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