second most amazing day in my library life by wiesnerbeth

second most amazing day in my library life

Back story: Last year one of my second grade students would ask me every week for a Beethoven book. So when I saw this book, I had to order it for the library. Fast forward: Last week I gave her the book, which she loved. She asked me if I could find a photo of Mr. Daniel Mergler. So, for a week or so I tried to find an image online. On a whim, I emailed the CBC (Canadian Broadcast Company, similar to NPR). The author of the book does radio documentaries for them and had done one on Mr. Mergler some years ago before the book was written. They didn’t, but passed along the email address of Mr. Gutnick’s publisher. I emailed them on the off chance they might have a photo to share. My email came back with a weird message saying it might have been delivered, but it might not have been delivered and either way I should stand by. A couple hours later, the phone rings, and a voice on the other end says, “Hello my name is David and I wrote a book called ‘Mr. Mergler, Beethoven, and Me’ . . .” In my head I was yelling “Holy crap!” (I really hope I didn’t say that out loud.) Then we had an amazing conversation during which he told me all about how he came to write the book and I told him all about Aaliyah and then we talked about editing and book publishing and writing and libraries and a little bit about politics. Then he sent me three emails and a photo of Mr. Mergler and said he would send a book for Aaliyah and one for me, which both arrived today, with a lovely note for each of us. So now, he’s my new best friend and I think everyone should buy his book and listen to all his radio documentaries. I’m giving Aaliyah hers tomorrow — she is going to be gobsmacked.
What a great story!
November 23rd, 2018  
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