gallery night  by wiesnerbeth

gallery night

There used to be a little wildflower meadow/garden next to the Erie Art Museum. Now it’s a sculpture garden. For Gallery Night it was set up with a food truck selling fantastic tostados (actually made by my brother Steve’s friend’s sister — Barb Fontecchio, who owns a restaurant down the street). There were also a few wood slab tables and a portable fire pit and this metal table with magnetic blocks where Jack, Nick, Annie, Meredith, and I spent 45 minutes ordering more and more tostados and building neighborhoods. Unfortunately the fireflies Nick and Annie caught to light up the houses didn’t have enough oxygen to glow inside here. (Don’t you love how you can Google “why don’t fireflies light up” and instantly get an answer on your phone while eating tostados in a park at night outside a museum? I certainly do.)
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