why do you have a pencil sharpener next to a jar full of pens? by wiesnerbeth

why do you have a pencil sharpener next to a jar full of pens?

At 8 p.m. my daughter came into my home office (aka the kitchen table) and sat down to talk about her day while I was re-doing all the Zoom links that I re-did yesterday. Her day in local government was quite similar to my day in the public school system. Pondering the proximity of pens to pencil sharpener was the highlight for both of us. Shortly after this she told me we needed to switch our shower schedule for tomorrow. Unfortunately, I immediately forgot what time she allotted me. The good times just keep rolling in.
A picture for these times! It's bound to get better--isn't it?

Today, after 4 months and uncounted trips and phone calls, I was finally able to register my son's boat trailer with motor vehicles, which has been closed off and on since March. Now I don't have to worry about him getting a ticket when he goes fishing.
September 11th, 2020  
@eudora I keep telling myself that it can’t last forever . . .
September 15th, 2020  
Love that pencil sharpener!
September 18th, 2020  
@margonaut And it’s not just a pretty face — it actually sharpens pencils really well.
September 21st, 2020  
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