slightly disconcerting  by wiesnerbeth

slightly disconcerting

Never seen a warning about lawsuits on a mattress before.
Read through a bit of that thinking it was a software purchase. Then scrolled down to see the word "mattress" and busted out laughing! Injury-due-to-mattress seems like an oxymoron.
November 24th, 2020  
@margonaut I know! Worst thing is that I’ve wrestled it out of the box and it “inflated/unfolded?” to its proper size but I hate it! I can return it if I get it back in the box (not likely even though I’ve read a few things online about how to deflate it online). My one son says maybe we can sell it on Facebook marketplace (don’t know what that is since I rarely/never go on Facebook). I’ve been cursing myself for a few days now.
November 25th, 2020  
@wiesnerbeth I've been wondering about those mattresses-in-a-box. Yes, FB marketplace is an option. When Michael needed a lift chair, we bought one there. It worked out beautifully. Of course that was pre-COVID.
November 27th, 2020  
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