this is big by wiesnerbeth

this is big

I lit a match! And a candle! I have never been able to light matches and could never get one of those lighter thingies to work so I could light candles. But Nick and Savannah gave me these matches in my Christmas present (as a joke? or a suggestion? a challenge? — Nick can’t actually light matches either. I mean, who was going to teach him?). Anyway. This opens up a whole new world for me.
Proud of you. How have you survived birthdays?
January 12th, 2022  
@margonaut Yep, that about sums up my feelings about the candle. Two-thirds of my children don’t like cake (what’s up with that?) and I guess I somehow convinced them that you don’t put candles on brownies. Oddly they have never once asked why they don’t have candles.
January 14th, 2022  
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