Albatross by yorkshirekiwi


So today was the day we went out on a Pelagic seabird tour. We were 9 hours on the water, 4 of them on a storm anchor in the middle of 1.5 to 2 metre swells. I've left the angle to show it felt on the boat. I am never seasick, but today I was, as were my two phototog friends
Great pic, but a shame you and your friends got seasick.
May 19th, 2024  
🤢 I’d struggle in those conditions too
May 19th, 2024  
Big day.. sounds it was a bit rough.. hopefully you got lots of shots to make it worth while..
May 19th, 2024  
Great shot
May 19th, 2024  
Oh!! Super shot, but 4 hours on a sea anchor I think anyone would be seasick!!! Great photo of the royal albatross.
May 19th, 2024  
Great shot showing the swells. Sorry you were sick, that's an awful feeling. I would have been sick too, just sitting at anchor with big waves.
May 19th, 2024  
Great shot. Sorry you were sea sick.
May 19th, 2024  
Nice capture. Sorry you had to suffer to get it.
May 19th, 2024  
Superb shot
May 19th, 2024  
May 19th, 2024  
Great shot
May 19th, 2024  
great technique shown here Carole
May 19th, 2024  
Excellent capture, but I am so sorry. Seasick is one of the worst feelings in the world.
May 20th, 2024  
Great capture.
May 20th, 2024  
Oh and if you were just 1 day earlier it would have been much calmer. But what a fabulous shot - I hope it was worth it!
May 20th, 2024  
@christinav oh it was, and the seasickness has been forgotten already. Its a trip we wont forget in a hurry.
May 20th, 2024  
That picture is wonderful but it must have been a tummy churning trip. I’m not a lover if the sea so no idea if I’m sea sick or not…..ferries don’t bother me so I think probably not. I don’t aim to find out!
May 20th, 2024  
@happypat first time for me. Never sick on ferries, (including North Sea ferry to Norway in a gale), yachts, sailing dinghies, friends fishing boat. I have confidently said I don’t get seasick for years. I’ve found out there can be an exception! 5 hours bobbing around in one spot proved to be my Achilles heel 🤢
May 20th, 2024  
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