Teach me how to smile at life by zilli

Teach me how to smile at life

After reading the article publish in the Guardian, Should artists be terrified of AI replacing them? and seeing how AI images can be effective and efficient to illustrate important points in an article, I tried to produce an image illustrating the hikikomori phenomenon in Japan. See reference links below.

The Guardian article: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/article/2024/aug/11/should-artists-be-terrified-of-ai-replacing-them

Effective and efficient uses of AI in art: https://mentalreflection.com/what-is-toxic-escapism-and-how-to-deal-with-it/

Hikikomori: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hikikomori

AI image generator used: https://deepai.org/machine-learning-model/text2img

Prompts used: those provided for the challenge: city, rain, night, plus my own: video game room man untidy room squalor

August theme: line from the song Hikikomori by Pinguini Tattici Nucleari

Teach me how to smile at life, even when I'm alone like a dog
very creative - another realm of photography - hotly debated today
ps- thanks for sharing all those links - very interesting
August 21st, 2024  
The path of man is not a straight line. We circle, go in different directions and come back. Now there is a rapture over AL. Some are fascinated, others are afraid. Time will tell. Of course, if humanity survives.
August 21st, 2024  
Great pic and links👍😊
August 21st, 2024  
Fabulous creativity in this picture. Makes you stop and think about the differences in mankind. Fav.
August 21st, 2024  
quite apocalyptic, well done.
August 21st, 2024  
Well done.

'AI will replace photographer' sounds to me like 'photography will replace painters' 100 years ago.

Actually your image give me more a filling of a drawing than of a photo.
August 21st, 2024  
Powerful image. In some ways there will be portions of art in general that Ai will replace, but a computer can't think on it's own- ie "Oh I think I'll make a picture today that captures a line from a song." It has to be told to do that. Someone has to initiate or generate the idea. So I think artists can be less fearful of it taking over all of the arts. You will always need a human to generate the idea.
August 22nd, 2024  
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