You must have more perseverance than me Jackie. I atempted something very similar a couple of days ago and gave up after trying with different dotty papers, lenses, light because I couldn't get what I wanted.
@shutterbug49 I tried to edit that out! @randystreat thank you! @koalagardens thank you @salza it was getting the spots on the spoons, then I'd nudge it in error! @merrelyn it is fiddly!! @grammyn it's one of her classics, and you see waitresses smile when you order Two Soups in her voice @corinnec it's a facsimile @Dawn thank you @pcoulson not creative, not really. But thank you @wakelys just a bit @boxplayer never tire of her skits!!
@randystreat thank you!
@koalagardens thank you
@salza it was getting the spots on the spoons, then I'd nudge it in error!
@merrelyn it is fiddly!!
@grammyn it's one of her classics, and you see waitresses smile when you order Two Soups in her voice
@corinnec it's a facsimile
@Dawn thank you
@pcoulson not creative, not really. But thank you
@wakelys just a bit
@boxplayer never tire of her skits!!