Help 365 hive mind........ by 365anne

Help 365 hive mind........

So this is another shot using the 55-200mm lens. It is not manual focus and I cannot seem to get a crisp shot whatever I try!! It was cloudy but not really as misty as this shot might suggest this morning. Any thoughts.........
Hi Anne, a tip I was given is to match the shutter speed to as close to focal length of len.

Here your lens was at 180mm so speed should be set to 1/180, or what ever is closest.

Is your view finder in focus?? That could have an effect??

This is a lovely scene, those lovely reflections!
April 21st, 2021  
Jackie has a good point. I was going to mention that each Zoom lens performs variably at different focal lengths, so to some extent there is a bit of trial and error, although there are probably good tips for your lens on YouTube. I can't readily find the focus point in this image, so that's worth bearing in mind. You should be able to select which area of the image you want to be in focus, even in autofocus mode. Aside from that, it's processing software I'm afraid. Lightroom can remove haze from photos like this (although it can't change your focus, so that's the first thing to get right). Hope this is helpful.
April 21st, 2021  
such a stunning scene, afraid I cannot help you there as I am also learning with new gear.
April 21st, 2021  
@30pics4jackiesdiamond Thank you Jackie, I will be sure to check that little detail next time I am out with the lens
April 21st, 2021  
@peadar I did have the focal point selected (the square in the centre of the screen) I am hoping to have a live tutorial with my son when he has a couple of hours that his family can spare him! Thanks for taking the time to make some suggestions for me.
April 21st, 2021  
@ludwigsdiana No problem Diana! Hope your learning is going well!!
April 21st, 2021  
I think the green square may be for detecting exposure and your main light source Anne, and not for focus.
April 21st, 2021  
@30pics4jackiesdiamond Doh, it was always for focusing on my L840!!
April 21st, 2021  
@365anne it might be on your new camera, but probs not!!
April 21st, 2021  
@365anne @30pics4jackiesdiamond I'm not a Nikon expert, but I would think that square is your focus point. I was thinking about this today and I believe the lens performance is closely correlated with aperture, rather than shutter speed. At 180mm you had the aperture at f/5.6, try something more like f/8 or f/11, see if that helps.
April 21st, 2021  
I learned to use my Sony camera, which though similar to my Canon, had many additional features and confusing menus. I found a class on which was a fast start to using my camera. I checked and they have one for your new camera. nikon d5600 fast startby John Greengo. You might find it helpful. It's on sale right now and only costs $17.
April 22nd, 2021  
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