German Navel Band_Lunenburg  by Weezilou

German Navel Band_Lunenburg

What a day!

My gal pals opted for a shopping trip in town, but nothing was going to keep me from going to listen to the performance of the German band that comes to town at this time every year. We'd seen them at the Tattoo, and they're just exceptional! Best of all, this is a free performance for the town held in front of St John's Anglican church Ken and I went with one of our friends, and staked our claim right in front (that's Ken's arm just on the right). Because it was held out on the lawn, I decided to move freely and take pictures from every angle. While this was held at noon, there were high clouds, and the lighting was sensational! I got so many wonderful closeups of the band members, but this was my favorite when I went into the church and took the picture from behind the band; it gives a sense of the scale of the crowd from the bandmember's viewpoint. The group is from Kiel, Germany, and they're called Marine Musik Korps Ostsee. I found this youtube clip that gives a sense of what it was like to see them at the Tattoo

Later, when everyone returned, we played three games of Scrabble, and Nelda was the undefeated winner every time. Marlaine made dinner again...three pizzas, all with different toppings, piled high and deep with goodness! There was also a salad, and I made another apple cake with ice cream to celebrate Jerry's July 8th birthday. The party guests included B, D and Dill again, and Marliane held an awards night. She had a little gift for everyone at the table, but best of all, she had a story about each person during our time together. She's just amazing how she struck just the right note for everyone!

We closed the night with one last game of Scrabble. We're heading to the airport at 5 AM to see everyone off. Can you tell we had the most amazing time this past week!
louise--i have loved hearing about all the fun you are having with your friends!! what a special time. and this is another awesome shot--i love this perspective from behind the band. i wouldn't have wanted to miss this either!!
July 7th, 2010  
I love the perspective on this! Great idea to get behind the band and give us a feel for what their view is. You seem to have such a wonderful week with your friends, and I'm sure you'll be sad to see everyone go.
July 7th, 2010  
Everything sounds like so much fun, Louise. I think you have a way with words to give us all a 'picture' of what you've been doing, the food you've had, and the friends you've been with. You are a talented writer/photographer and I appreciate your stories and photos. Save me a piece of apple cake with ice cream!
July 7th, 2010  
nice perspective. and sounds like it was a great time!
July 7th, 2010  
sounds fun!
July 7th, 2010  
Nice picture, nice place, nice band, I can feel that you had a good time there. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks Louise for your sweet words yesterday! I hope I'd had time to post and comment from Peru.
July 7th, 2010  
Thanks for the recipe, Louise. I just printed it. I'll be anxious to try it out the next time I have company to help eat it. 99% of the time it's just Bob and I and we're trying to limit the sweets. You know how it is... Very sweet of you to look up the link to the recipe.
July 7th, 2010  
what a crowd! i can just see you walking around, taking shots, bet you looked like a pro! ooh! and i looove scrabble!
July 7th, 2010  
Guests leaving is always bittersweet, isn't it? Sorry to see them go and yet ready to get back to your own life and routines ...
July 7th, 2010  
forgot to say ... great perspective on this shot! It looks like you were right in the thick of it, playing to beat the band ... LOL!
July 7th, 2010  
Yes Lili Maleen ..nice..will listen to the others later time right now. we're off to the town of Wupperthal.
July 7th, 2010  
That would be my favourite.... love band music. another great picture.
July 7th, 2010  
How wonderful, what a fantastic photo.
It almost looks like a movie set :D
I love how everyone is just sprawled across the lawns.
Great story to go with it to tel us the full story. Thank you again!
We will indeed have to get over that way sometime1
July 7th, 2010  
I like the angle you took - actually behind the band. Lots of interesting bits to look at in this.
July 7th, 2010  
I like the angle this is taken from too ... it makes it far more interesting to look at.
July 7th, 2010  
Great shot Louise, it looks like a great place to listen. It sounds like you've had an amazing jam packed fun week. I think you've done more socializing in 7 days, than I've done in 7 years lol.
July 7th, 2010  
Wonderful! I just love outdoor concerts - listening AND playing!
July 7th, 2010  
This picture has such lovely balance with the paths going out to the corners.
July 7th, 2010  
it must have been fun going there. you captured all the elements well louise. great shot!
July 7th, 2010  
It really sounds as though you guys have had a memorable experience together, and you had some fun too. It is so good to be able to have meaningful and fun relationships like that. The photo was great too. I love how you put it all together, giving us a good view.
July 7th, 2010  
nice shot, I am a drummer so I love to see behind a drumset :)
July 7th, 2010  
when i read your comments, i always get this great desire to take a nap!
July 7th, 2010  
great PoV on this one! did they sell german saussages as well? thats the main reason i'd go to one of these things :)
regarding the classes, yeah they were fun but to be honest, the way I look at things hasnt changed.. the real difference happened when I "hit the wall" about 2 months into this project. I had no idea what to take photos of and would continuously make up situations and had to consciously get out there to do something. Now it seems to come more naturally and easily. I'm not sure if its because its summer or whether I actually got over the hurdle. time will tell :)
July 7th, 2010  
Fantastic shot! You were in the perfect spot for taking this photo! I'm off to youtube to hear the band!
July 7th, 2010  
Great shot!!
July 7th, 2010  
Great perspective! Have a safe flight!
July 7th, 2010  
Lovely photo of the entire band, and interesting perspective. I like this! Your description of your day sounds like so much fun. I was so interested in the little gifts for awards night! That is such a good idea. I like that....We all need little gifts at times!
July 7th, 2010  
Brilliant pic, love that you are standing behind them and seeing what they see while playing. Not a bad turn out with the crowd!
July 7th, 2010  
i probably would gone shopping, i have very little resistance when it comes to shopping :))
July 7th, 2010  
WOW, Nice Wide angle.... Thank for the info on the plant
July 7th, 2010  
I know you are crazy busy but I want to make sure you don't miss Brad's shot:
July 7th, 2010  
happy birthday Jerry, yes Louise I would say you and Ken are having an amazing time. I am enjoying seeing all the places and faces. great picture of the band
July 7th, 2010  
Yes, it sounds like a fabulous time was had by all! :-)
July 7th, 2010  
This is great. Looks like you're part of the band.
July 7th, 2010  
Wow great perspective of the band and crowd. Sounds like you're all just having a fantastic time, with so much mouthwatering food! Looking forward to th next installment of your adventures"! : )
July 7th, 2010  
I love love love this point of view! between your eye and your descriptions, i feel like i'm taking a vacation in Lunenburg. thank-you!
July 8th, 2010  
i wanna be there! i love it! so nice and pretty and relaxing! okay could i over exclamation point or what?

thanks for the comment the other day. always makes my week/year/life... exclamation point times a trillion
July 8th, 2010  
This is a great perspective that you got for this shot! Wonderful work, sounds like a good show.
July 8th, 2010  
I only haven't left a comment here, so I better do it before I go to bed! ;-) Thanks to your apple dapple recipe, I just discovered a buch of pictures I had uploaded before on Shutterfly! I had completely forgotten about my account there, but I had to log in in order to leave a comment, and I found so many albums - my first visit to the Arch and the Botanical garden, pictures of our nephew as a baby, our Grand Canyon trip, our first cruise... It was wonderful to revisit the memories! I guess I abandoned Shutterfly for Facebook, now Facebook for 365, what will be next, I don't know? Having tons of digital pictures is nice, but when it comes to organizing them and writing captions, I can't always find the time... Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for that and to share with you this photo of my granny and her sisters:

it's from a couple of months ago, my granny is the smiling one to the right and she's the oldest of the three. To me, she doesn't look like 82 at all! The photos that follow are some of our nephews and pictures from Saint Louis from March this year, when my best friend came to visit! ;-) Good night (officially this time) and have a great weekend! ;-))
July 10th, 2010  
P.S. I forgot to mention, that this photo is wonderful! I am sure the performance was great! One summer they were doing free spontaneous concerts at popular spots around Sofia, and it was so nice to stroll around and enjoy the music! :-)
July 10th, 2010  
Wow, I love this shot, Louise! What a great perspective.
July 12th, 2010  
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