Smitten Kitten by Weezilou

Smitten Kitten

...or is that, "Smitten *With* Kitten"?

At daybreak, Dill arrived for breakfast...blah blah've heard it all before! ...morning walk...carrots...Mica...more Dill... Today B&D didn't join us as they had house guests arrive from Guelph (near Toronto) last night. So when I got home, I made a batch of cookies to take to them as two of their guests are 7 & 11. It was after lunch when I went out back where Dill was curled up in the shade. As I stepped off the porch, he jumped up and followed me up the street. Here he is at his own front gate, and for those of you who'd ask, his eye is healing beautifully...almost back to perfect!

This evening we had everyone down to our house for the cocktail hour, and I had the most enchanting conversation with Ava, the 11 yr old. She's bright and precocious, but in the nicest way! She told me she's making a pancake breakfast for everyone on Wednesday morning and wants Ken and me to join them! Billy & I discussed this later, and I believe we're now having the breakfast here because I can add a leaf to the table and seat us all. But how sweet was that thoughtful invitation?!
Oh, what a sweetie!
August 24th, 2010  
Gahh, I can't get enough of Dill, he is such a cutie! :)
August 24th, 2010  
Beautiful, beautiful photo. Dill looks perfect, and I am so admiring (and envious) of the rock garden! I'm a Southern girl to my core and never want to live anywhere else, but sometimes I do wish our summers were no so brutal because no matter how I try, I will never be able to grow plants like that!
August 24th, 2010  
Dill is definitely looking like he is almost back to normal. Ava does sound like a charming young Lady, and she had sweet intentions when she extended the invitation. I'm sure you will ahvew a great time together.
August 24th, 2010  
Dill is a handsome cat and I love the garden and gate in the background. Glad his eye is healing.
August 24th, 2010  
By the way Louise, thank you so much for your kind comments.
August 24th, 2010  
Hi Louise. I got your post, and yes Sue told me you'd be in Chicago and you guys are meeting up again. I haven't had a chance to check on the date yet, but I'll let ya know!
August 24th, 2010  
Dill is a handsome one! I too am happy for his speedy recovery.
August 24th, 2010  
Your circle of friends keeps expanding! Dill looks wonderful. Better than new. And I'm happy to report that i waved good-by to Flat Allie and sent her on her way. ETA, according to the helpful lady at the post office is 4 to 5 business days. Let me know when "I" arrive!
August 24th, 2010  
and bacon!!! don't forget bacon!!!
August 24th, 2010  
oh, i love this shot of dill! and the flowers behind him are just lovely. i just love hearing about your days--and the wonderful circle of love you've got surrounding you! so fun.
August 24th, 2010  
lol....yeah toast and pancakes would be a bit much!
August 24th, 2010  
Love this photo Louise! That Dill is one special little cat!
August 24th, 2010  
Sooooooo pretty
August 24th, 2010  
I hear Morris the Cat's voice when I look at Dill. He is looking like his old matinee-idol self. Cute title for your pic.
August 24th, 2010  
Love that Dill is at his house. The gate and flowers look so inviting.....
August 24th, 2010  
What a life you have Dill.......what a life! I think he has certainly evovled into the web's favorite cat......He's always such a joy to see.
August 24th, 2010  
Dill is as handsome as ever. Enjoy the week.
August 24th, 2010  
pretty shot louise... =0
August 24th, 2010  
Something from a picture book!
August 24th, 2010  
Dill is gorgeous, as always! ;-) I love it when you post photos of him!! Ava sounds like a very sweet girl! Enjoy your pancake breakfast! I made crepes on Sunday...mmm....yum! ;-)

So happy you had a delightful birthday! ;-)) It;s always nice to feel surrounded by love! ;-)) Have a wonderful week, dear Louise! :-))
August 24th, 2010  
Cute photo =)
August 24th, 2010  
Great capture Louise, and a lovely insight into your world
August 24th, 2010  
Dill looks so sweet in this shot! Oh, and we had pancakes for breakfast tonight for dinner - I love breakfast for dinner : )
August 24th, 2010  
sounds like you have a wonderfully packed social calendar! Glad to hear Dill is well on the mend.
August 24th, 2010  
A wonderful picture of Dill. It looks as if he is starting to get used to be a model. Enjoy your pancakes.
August 24th, 2010  
Spotted this on the "popular" page and knew it was Dill before I ever opened it up! Sweet shot!
August 24th, 2010  
cute! pictures of Dill never get boring!
August 24th, 2010  
Aww,beautiful pic of Dill and the lovely garden as well :)
August 24th, 2010  
cute kitty :) thank you so much for the bday wishes for my little man!
August 24th, 2010  
Happy Belated Birthday to you! As you know, I have been at U of A getting Hannah settled. She is finding her way nicely and I left here there with a smile in my heart!
August 24th, 2010  
Such a lovely shot of Dill!
Kids are wondeful - they do the most lovely things off the cuff & out of the blue - I love it!
Hope your breakfast goes to plan :D
August 24th, 2010  
Ha! I love that Brad hears Morris the Cat's voice when he looks at Dill. I do, too! He has so much personality without doing anything more than sit there and Dill. Too cute.

BTW - that "picture" of the motorcycle toy on my computer is Richard's 365 photo page:
August 24th, 2010  
Nice picture of Dill ,Must know were to get spoilt with a good meal thrown in , clever cat!!!!!!!!!!!!
August 24th, 2010  
Dill takes such lovely photos and certainly knows it! Very nice picture as usual. Have fun at breakfast.
August 24th, 2010  
good morning dill!
August 24th, 2010  
definitely, without a doubt, *WITH*!
August 24th, 2010  
thank you so much for your encouragement! it means a whole bunch to me!
His eye looks like it is doing great!
August 24th, 2010  
I love the kitty!! Just sitting WAITING for her picture to be taken.
August 24th, 2010  
Top o' thee morning, Dill! :D
August 24th, 2010  
I must say - that's a rather indignant look on Dill's face.
August 24th, 2010  
Dill has a beautifully long tail! Thanks so much for your comments!
August 24th, 2010  
Cute kitty!
August 24th, 2010  
I take my hat off you Lou, I really don't know where you find the time comment on everyones photos and with detailed comments too not just average "great shot" etc etc... :-)

Not that I don't appreciate those comments from others...but you go that little bit more!
August 24th, 2010  
So is Ava going to help you cook at your house? What a fun breakfast for all of you. I love it when children want to help. Can't wait to see your pictures from that!
August 24th, 2010  
When I saw this on the popular page, I knew it was your cat ;)
ADORABLE actually, and quite elegant! Great shot, and lovely composition!
August 25th, 2010  
Awe, what a sweet invitation :) Nice shot of Dill :)
August 25th, 2010  
Great shot of Dill! Glad to see he is doing well.
August 25th, 2010  
Lovely shot of Dill
August 25th, 2010  
Cookies, did I hear someone say cookies?? I'm there! It's been so hot all summer and I haven't baked anything. Cookies sound great!

So glad Dill's eye is healing nicely and that he's almost back to normal.

What a wonderful invitation you got! 11 year old girls are such a funny lot. I remember my daughter at that age very well!

So behind again here. I guess I always will be unless I sit on365 all day and all night LOL. Getting things ready for my son's grad party on Sunday is taking up all of my free time lately.
August 25th, 2010  
Aw...Dill always has a sweet place in my heart. I think he deserves an extra pet ...and tell him that I sent it.
August 25th, 2010  
hi kitty! i want to pet him!
August 25th, 2010  
I'm so glad to hear Dill's eye is healing up so well. Give him some love for me! Too cute that Ava invited you over for breakfast!
August 25th, 2010  
Beautiful kitty !! What happen to kitties eye ? Glad its healing. And Thank you for all your sweet comments on my photos !!
August 25th, 2010  
Breakfast invitation from an 11 year old - how sweet! Glad Dill is getting better! Wonderful shot of Dill, the flower garden and the gate.
August 25th, 2010  
As soon as I saw this Louise! I thought - aww - here's me old mate again.

My girlfriend, of 56 years Heather, (we met when we were 5 years old at Sunday School) - had a pure white cat named "Snowy" when we were kids& we loved him to bits - he died from sun cancer many years ago - he used to look like he'd been in fights from the sun cancer, and of course in those days no one knew about the dangers of the sun.
Maybe he reminds me of him :D
August 25th, 2010  
I posted on my thread, but wanted to make sure you got my reply :)

Thank you Louise :) I did see part of your thread before, but enjoyed reading back through it today... hearing from people like all of you brightens my day - I may bookmark the thread and read through it on the days were all my clients are cranky and ungrateful ;) Thankfully, those days don't happen often, but on the occasion that they do, I just try to focus on the good days and the animals I'm helping :)
August 25th, 2010  
What a nice picture of sweet Dill! Hope you had a great breakfast, how nice of the girl to invite you!
August 25th, 2010  
How cute! Very pretty cat!
August 25th, 2010  
He has such a special face...=)
August 26th, 2010  
Dill is looking as handsome as ever! I am behind on my comments so I believe that your pancake breakfast happened this morning(?) If so, I hope it was delightful. I can't wait to see a photo of it. :)
August 26th, 2010  
Okay---answered my own question! That's what I get for flipping through photos backwards. Glad to hear about Dill too (:
August 26th, 2010  
What a great picture of Dill! Since I looked at your most recent photo I did see the result of the breakfast invitation! Sure sounds like you are making loads of friends of all different ages.

Thanks again for all the lovely comments on my photos I look forward to reading each one. :)
August 26th, 2010  
Glad to hear that Dill is well on his way to being fully recovered! This is a very good shot of him. I hope that pancake breakfast will be wonderful!
August 27th, 2010  
What a beautiful kitty. I love how he's just sitting there, letting you take his picture..almost like he posed just for you.
October 2nd, 2010  
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