"...She seems to be Happy & Free from Care..." by Weezilou

"...She seems to be Happy & Free from Care..."

I've been away because I couldn't contribute without commenting on the state of our country and I can't comment without going off the rails. I thought of that lovely old song, and how I feel in confinement. All my needs are met under my roof, I'm well, and I find many ways to occupy my time. I miss hugging friends and going about a normal routine, but "I'm warned to wear a mask and social distance". In some dystopian world, life-of-the-lowest order is going on "out there" and I, personally am horrified and broken-hearted that my beautiful country is being torn to shreds. I hope I haven't offended anyone...I wouldn't want to be taken for one of them.
Oh Louise, how heart-breaking it must be for you. Your image is powerful.
July 19th, 2020  
A wonderful way to illustrate the current situation. I think many of us are feeling just like you are. In South Africa it's law to wear at least a cloth mask when away from your home. There is a ban on the sale of alcohol and tabacco products. Plus many other rules that need to be abided by. Thankfully both my husband and I work from home so it's much easier to socially distance oneself. One could go on and on about the regulations but sadly all it does is create negativity in your own head. Take care and stay safe Louise
July 19th, 2020  
A powerful image and narrative. I feel for you as I am in the same boat. Just wishing that we all stay safe and this nightmare ends rather sooner than later.
July 19th, 2020  
just stay safe Louise, and Ken too - the world has totally 💔
July 19th, 2020  
stay safe Louise and Ken.......I am so grateful to be in Australia.......I have whinged about our PM on occasion but am at the same time I am so glad we have him and not that other :(
July 19th, 2020  
Here's a hug 🤗 from across the Atlantic, I too miss real hugs.

Stay strong and safe Louise

July 19th, 2020  
A very powerful image depicting this pandemic! If we all take the responsibility to act sensibly we should get through this disaster. We all need to stay safe :)
July 19th, 2020  
In Maine we quarantined for a month and then very slowly reopened (haven't fully yet) I can go for rides, sit in the backyard with family, and eat outside at restaurants (inside at some but that doesn't interest me) I wear a mask when I go to the grocery store and other things like that but not so much when I walk at No 1 Pond because the few people we see stay away. And so far no one in my group of friends or family have contracted this so I consider myself lucky, I hope that most of us can act rationally so that we might conquer this in time.
July 19th, 2020  
A picture paints a thousands words...

Confinement is difficult when you're so used to freedom but I'm trying to believe that something good will come from this, it's tough though some days!

Stay well and keep looking forward to all those hugs 🤗
July 19th, 2020  
Ditto what Denise and Annie said above. Take care.
July 19th, 2020  
Very powerful, Louise. It's a hard time, certainly, and so tragic on many levels.
July 19th, 2020  
A creative depiction of feeling caged in that we're all experiencing to varying degrees.
July 19th, 2020  
Stay safe Louise (and Ken). I'm horrified that many people are still not taking this thing seriously.
July 19th, 2020  
Wow so powerful Louise with many messages on different levels. The feeling of frustration is building with so many people ignoring the rules and being completely selfish!! I wish everyone could practice kindness!! Such a scary world we are living in with no light at the end of the dark tunnel!! Take care dear friend and stay safe! Big hugs to you and Ken xxx
July 19th, 2020  
A powerful image. I totally agree with you, Louise!
July 19th, 2020  
Even amongst the uncomfortable you find beauty. That is a way to heal. Keep being strong, safe, and beautiful. Sending hugs!
July 19th, 2020  
Fantastic! I love how you've channelled your thoughts into this.
July 19th, 2020  
Well done Louise you are so creative!
I agree and hope life gets back to whatever normal will look like, stay safe and healthy!
July 20th, 2020  
This is fabulous, you channeled all of my hopes and fears perfectly. This is a perfect storytelling image, truly your forté! 🥰
July 20th, 2020  
Superb image, it says so much, as do your words. It's a tough old time in so many countries around the world right now, but as I always say "you can only walk in your shoes." And right now it hurts your heart to see what's happening around you. Ache for you, dear friend. Sending you lots of love across the ocean as always. I owe you an email.....will get there soon!
July 22nd, 2020  
It’s such a strange time. So many things I could say. I do pray for our country, too. Appropriate image, well done.
August 3rd, 2020  
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