The migrating Monarchs are here for a couple of months and there is a nearby eucalyptus grove that they hang out in every year where hundreds of people gather to observe them. A couple of friends and I, however, searched in a more remote area with no people around and were delighted to find them this evening. Of course they were in the deep shade at the time so shooting was difficult. This was taken at ISO 3200, 1/250, f5.6, 400mm (600 crop sensor) with the measley in camera flash. Technically not a good image, but by ETSOOI was able to salvage it somewhat for a reasonable post. Looking forward to trying again in better conditions. Regardless, it is absolutely magical to be amongst thousands of butterflies fluttering all around!
It was only very recently that I found out that certain species of butterfly actually migrate, and over incredibly long distances, so I'm delighted and fascinated to see these over-wintering Moanarchs... thanks for sharing.