Museum Crawl Stops 2 and 3 by allie912

Museum Crawl Stops 2 and 3

These photographs give you a contrast which in many ways represents the two sides of Richmond today. The White House of the Confederacy was the home of Confederate president Jefferson Davis until the end of the Civil War when Union forces took Richmond. At the time this private home was located on a genteel street of wealthy city leaders. Now it is tucked away between the various parts of the Virginia Commonwealth University hospital and medical school. Out tour guide was knowledgeable and funny, making this an interesting stop on the tour.
Next stop for me was the Black History Museum & Cultural Center of Virginia. I wish I had had more time to linger, but they were having a Soul Santa party for kids to do crafts and have their picture taken with Santa, so parts of the museum were closed to visitors. What I saw was fascinating. There were works by modern Black artists as well as an interactive history exhibit. Notice the Woolworth’s sign which was part of a photo exhibit detailing the lunch counter strikes of the Civil Rights era. Two other things to notice: a statue to dancer Bill Robinson born in Richmond, a popular tap dancing partner to Shirley Temple, and original art from Bill Cosby’s cartoon show Fat Albert
I only had an hour left which sent me scurrying back outside to take the bus to ICA. More tomorrow.
Wonderful collage
December 15th, 2019  
i knew this was you allison, i love the woolworths image. Sadly missing from out high streets inthe UK for many many years
December 15th, 2019  
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