in the beginning by annied

in the beginning

So........i was hoping to be posting a photo from when I took the fujica out for a spin........however - when I went to collect the negatives there was nothing on them - I would love to blame the camera....or the film....but there is a 95%........or 100% (if I am honest) chance that I did not load the film correctly. SH*T!!!!!!
I say the least.......quite devastated. To ease my pain I pulled out some old negatives to practice with in the scanner for when - hopefully - I manage to load a film properly.
This is from early 1997 I think when the troupe of Western Lowland Gorillas first arrived at Taronga Zoo (they actually arrived in December 1996 but I imagine were off display for a bit so they could adjust). I have visited the gorillas regularly since then and have become very fond of them.
Some of the originals are now living at Mogo Zoo - some in other zoos around Australia and overseas. They are all part of a worldwide breeding program to save the species from extinction.
The gorilla in this image I believe is Kriba and her baby Safiri. Kriba is now at Mogo Zoo in N.S.W while Safiri is at DUISBURG ZOO in Germany.

I scanned the negative and made slight adjustments in PS.
Love this!!! Cool perfect comp.
February 24th, 2016  
I'm sorry about your film-loading woes... :( but superb image!!
February 24th, 2016  
It's an excellent, professional image, and also deeply disturbing. I'm sorry about your film disaster - the old school equivalent to shooting a whole day w/out a card in. (Yes, I had the option about allowing shots w/out the card in turned off for some reason.)
February 24th, 2016  
Oh no! Love this though.
February 24th, 2016  
@teiko i have had the card thing happen...what do you find disturbing here Emilie ")
February 24th, 2016  
@kerosene thank you
it was bloody annoying. ..i was so looking forward to it
February 24th, 2016  
What a wonderful image.
February 24th, 2016  
@annied Just that I wish they could be free in their natural home. I'm sure they're well cared for, and I get that they are being saved from extinction so those are good things! Your photo is beautiful - it just brings out a sad feeling for me.
February 24th, 2016  
Fantastic shot, instant FAV!
February 24th, 2016  
Great photo!
February 24th, 2016  
Fabulous shot.
February 24th, 2016  
Nice and extremely lovely fall back shot. Been there and done that in both film and DSLR. Keep at the film thing, and blow a few inches of film - just get a to make sure that the film is on the sprockets correctly.
February 24th, 2016  
Ooh Annie , I can feel your pain !! at least you had put the film in the camera --I remember one great dis appointment I had having taken some shots when on holiday ( and not be able to repeat the shots !! ) WITHOUT a film in the camera !!
However this is a beautiful shot taken way back then !! Yet it seems ot be tinged with sadness as the mother cradling her young seems to be glancing out and perhaps yearning for the freedom in the great outside world ! fav
February 24th, 2016  
@beryl thank you Beryl ....i am pleased i did have my other camera but was also out and about where i had taken photos many times before.
Sadly gorillas, like many animals are safer incaptivity than in the wild
February 24th, 2016  
@teiko i understand the feeling. It is sad they are safer in captivity than in the wild. Many gorillas in zoos now were born in captivity so I guess it is all they know.
February 24th, 2016  
@joysabin thank you :) will give it another try and yes happy to blow a few frames rather than all
February 24th, 2016  
Outstanding. That is all.
February 24th, 2016  
@graemestevens thank has always been a fav of mine
February 24th, 2016  
poignant photo...pity about your film...but love this shot
February 24th, 2016  
Sweet capture, can feel your frustration with the film debacle :)
February 24th, 2016  
This is a super shot. Thanks for the story to go with it too.
Shame about the film, hope you can solve what happened. I bet there were more than a few rude words.
February 24th, 2016  
Frustrating Annie but you got in some great practice with this test neg, which augurs well fro the future.
February 24th, 2016  
way too cute , you had an eye for a shot "back in the day" annie:)
has a feeling of sadness
February 24th, 2016  
Sometimes those accidents make us revisit old pictures that deserve the spotlight- such as this one! Moving and beautiful-fav
February 24th, 2016  
Sweet shot
February 24th, 2016  
Wonderful shot of these great animals. What a pity they are so much safer in a zoo. It's a sad commentary on the values of some parts of what's supposed to be humanity.
February 25th, 2016  
So nicely framed!
February 25th, 2016  
very cool..fav
February 25th, 2016  
Beautiful shot...I hope you scan some more of your older work.
February 25th, 2016  
Powerful image, I quite love this. Fav.
February 25th, 2016  
Oh, and sorry about your lost film! Nexttime!
February 25th, 2016  
@pixelchix :) thanks Heather - I will try again over the weekend lol - and take more care with the loading
February 25th, 2016  
love it ....very special
February 25th, 2016  
this is truly a magical image!
February 25th, 2016  
what they said!
February 25th, 2016  
Such a sweet mother/daughter portrait.
February 25th, 2016  
Wonderful shot A FAV
February 25th, 2016  
Beautiful image, nice processing and interesting commentary. " Can't have one without the other," I always say - and there, I've said it again now! Fav
February 25th, 2016  
I think I need to fly you over for a lesson. I've not mastered scanning yet! I love this shot. He's framed brilliantly. Your problem with the film reminds me of a holiday in Austria. I'd loaded a new film when I saw a medical helicopter further up behind the hotel. Dashed out and got some great shots. Continued to use the camera on a cruise down the Rhine where the castles were super. I began to realise that I'd taken lots of shots and not needed to change the film! You've guessed I hadn't loaded it properly!
February 25th, 2016  
Beautiful shot. What interesting information to go with it! Same thing happened to me as Margaret Obey with a slight difference - I hadn't put the film in the camera at all.
February 25th, 2016  
@onewing just a few Babs lol
@wordpixman Thank you so much Arthur - I am known to love a chat and I love the way words and pictures go together.
@ceilidh I have a negative scanner Margaret and all I do is place the negatives in the frame and slide them through the machine - it is as easy as pie - the images copy onto an SD card and then I play with them in my software.
@sangwann it seems many of us have had film and card disasters Dione
February 25th, 2016  
Adorable capture, great use of negative and creative space
February 25th, 2016  
Wonderful shot, I really liek the processing.
February 25th, 2016  
This is fantastic. I generally do not fav zoo photos, just my think, but in this case I have no choice fav
February 26th, 2016  
@tosee i shall say thank you for faving and also let you know both these gorillas are alive and doing well almost 20 years after this photo was taken
February 26th, 2016  
This photo is wonderful and while it's sad you didn't have the other ones, it led to your sharing this beauty with us.
February 26th, 2016  
love it, FAV!
February 26th, 2016  
Ah Annie so sorry to hear this. I still look forward at some point to seeing your film shots :) And meanwhile I have enjoyed this one, like many others here
February 27th, 2016  
@pistache i will be trying again for sure...was going to load up today was a bit late getting started. :)
February 27th, 2016  
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