The second I lifted the camera - GONE!
This little lass had evasion down pat - I tried the distract you by playing ball trick - she didn't have a bar of that - brought the ball back - dropped it - the minute she saw I had the camera she picked up the ball and walked off giving me the backward glance. Finally she hopped on her bed and stayed still just long enough for this - I think she felt sorry for me in the end.
This was made all the harder as I was using the lensbaby composer and it takes me all the longer to focus hahahaha
I think our camera habits are turning us into very undesirable human beings....I believe at the end we will be sequestered to our own colony where nobody will talk or make eye contact with us!
She does have a very cute heart shaped nose, though....
@onewing she was so funny Babs - had me and everyone else in stitches @panthora hahahahahahaha and in that colony there will be those who hide and those who are happy to be photographed LOL
@graemestevens @bella_ss little bugger - she gave me the run around and then would hop up and sit next to me waiting for a cuddle hahahahaha
She does have a very cute heart shaped nose, though....
@panthora hahahahahahaha and in that colony there will be those who hide and those who are happy to be photographed LOL