"...hezekiah took the letter...and he went up to the house of the Lord and spread it out before the Lord. hezekiah prayed to the Lord...that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that You alone, Lord, are God" (isaiah 37:14-20)
you may remember from a couple of months ago that i was taping a session for the 'Called to be a Keeper' bible study. i found out recently that all the sessions would need to be re-taped due to a glitch with both the cameras and audio, and today was my turn to re-tape my session. i was nervous all over again, and more than anything wanted to honor God with what i said. so this morning i followed hezekiah's example: i spread out my notes before the Lord and prayed, asking that He would be glorified. i'm so thankful that it went well and that it is OVER (again!), and wanted to recreate that moment for my photo today.
*for more information about the 'Called to be a Keeper' bible study, go to www.keepersministry.com