Nest Material Shopping by berelaxed

Nest Material Shopping

We have three of these woven balls filled with lovely soft, nesting material. This one was given to us last weekend and is popular, the others need refilling. My own hair(I've cut my own hair since 1969) will have to act as a substitute to the cattle hair mentioned below!

Tufted titmice build nests of leaves, moss, feathers, fibrous bark strips and cattle hair usually in natural or abandoned cavities in stumps or trees and correctly sized and mounted bird houses in their common habitats.

The Tufted Titmouse flew off with a big beakful. It flew up to a branch, dropped a bit of the mouthful and Papa Sparrow scooped it up as the Titmouse flew off to work on nest building.

For the Record,
This day came in cloudy, but the sun and heat have appeared. We are absolutely yellow, totally dusted/ coated in effusive yellow pine pollen...EVERYWHERE. Everyone on the South Shore is sneezing with watery eyes. Hopefully, the rain predicted tomorrow will wash it away.

All hands hoping the rain washes the pollen away!!!
June 5th, 2024  
absolutely fascinating
June 6th, 2024  
awesome shot!
June 6th, 2024  
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