Great tit by beryl

Great tit

While on my way home via the country lane of Ercall Woods - I stopped the car by this huge old oak tree and to my delight someone had attached may bird feeders to the tree and it was alive with birds feeding - mainly great -tits .I was delighted when I looking across the road to the woods I could see many more feeders attached to some of the bigger trees - so wonderful to see this >
How kind of that person or those persons! Coconut shell feeders, I love that.
March 6th, 2019  
Wonderful capture and details Beryl how nice to put these up for the birds in the wild. Fav
March 6th, 2019  
That's so clever for feeders. Lovely shot.
March 6th, 2019  
Oh wow what a neat feeder!
March 6th, 2019  
Very cute!
March 6th, 2019  
What a lovely idea!
March 6th, 2019  
Great capture Beryl. A lovely discovery.
March 6th, 2019  
Nice photo. These look very much like our Chickadees.
March 6th, 2019  
Great capture and textures
March 6th, 2019  
That is wonderful, Beryl. Terrific shot. Great textures, too.
March 6th, 2019  
Lovely shot
March 6th, 2019  
Great capture. I love the coconut shell feeders.
March 6th, 2019  
A lovely capture. Fav!! 😀
March 6th, 2019  
what a stunner!
March 6th, 2019  
Lovely capture! Fav
March 6th, 2019  
A lovely capture
March 6th, 2019  
Well spotted and captured
March 6th, 2019  
How wonderful! Coconut shells ? Do they eat the coconut?
March 6th, 2019  
Super shot Beryl!
March 6th, 2019  
@samae The coconut shells are filled with seeds etc in solid fat !
March 6th, 2019  
Beautiful capture of this Koolmees. and the nice background . Fav.
March 6th, 2019  
awwww so it is and a lovely one too beryl
March 6th, 2019  
A beautiful detailed shot Beryl...Fav
March 7th, 2019  
This is wonderful. Well spotted and captured.
March 18th, 2019  
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