He kept on walking away from me !  by beryl

He kept on walking away from me !

I spotted this colourful character when I was shooting the rapeseed fields !
Perhaps he was worried you were going to pluck him and cook him
April 16th, 2019  
Well spotted and a lovely capture given it was running away from you.
April 16th, 2019  
I'm surprised he sated still that long! I used to see them on the allotment - pinching the crops. They rarely stayed still long enough for me to take a picture!
April 16th, 2019  
Nice catch
April 16th, 2019  
Wonderful capture.
April 16th, 2019  
They soon run don't they..lovely photo in the grass
April 16th, 2019  
The red really pops!!
April 16th, 2019  
Well captured he didn't want any publicity whilst he was out for his walk.
April 16th, 2019  
Great find and capture even though he wasn't being very cooperative. :)
April 16th, 2019  
As they do!
April 16th, 2019  
Great capture
April 16th, 2019  
A very handsome fella, they don’t stay still long!
April 16th, 2019  
Great eye and shot Beryl... fav
April 16th, 2019  
Nicely captured
April 16th, 2019  
Don’t they show up beautifully in the fields, a very colourful gentleman! They are rather shy!
April 16th, 2019  
You just can’t get the pheasants these days to behave themselves.
April 16th, 2019  
@stevepo Ha ha !
April 16th, 2019  
what is the world coming to ;) neat shot
April 16th, 2019  
Still quite a handsome specimen
April 16th, 2019  
He stands out beautifully in the green field Fav
April 16th, 2019  
good that you only had a camera to shoot beryl. Let's not think about the other option !
April 16th, 2019  
Nice shot. Not the most intelligent of birds.
April 16th, 2019  
I love pheasants!
April 16th, 2019  
Lucky you, they're way too quick for me!
April 16th, 2019  
They alway`s do. Great succesfully shot now.
(Thanks for mention yours name. Make sence.)
April 16th, 2019  
He seems a slippery fellow.
April 17th, 2019  
Very colourful fellow!
April 17th, 2019  
He's watching you and walking away. But you got a quick shot all the same.
April 18th, 2019  
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