A fun-guy sitting on my back lawn ! by beryl

A fun-guy sitting on my back lawn !

All the rain and dampness has encouraged the fungi to grow , even on my back lawn ! Not the prettiest , but sticks out like a sore thumb on the lawn ,
Nice shot
October 14th, 2020  
Such a lovely find and shot. Wish I would have some of these here, we don't seem to have any.
October 14th, 2020  
Great shot. there seem to be more fungi than usual this year
October 14th, 2020  
A nice capture
October 14th, 2020  
not pretty but what a beauty nevertheless!
October 14th, 2020  
A nice find and capture
October 14th, 2020  
Great shot!
October 14th, 2020  
Looks like someone just dropped it there!
October 14th, 2020  
Looks like something has nibbled that for breakfast. Wonder what it was.
October 14th, 2020  
I could just have done with a mushroom tonight...we had bacon, egg, cabbage & mashed potatoes....I don’t think I would risk this though! 🤣
October 14th, 2020  
Wet weather does tend to cause these. Shame it’s not red & white with fairies!
October 14th, 2020  
great capture, such a cute mushroom
October 14th, 2020  
A nice find, Beryl.
October 14th, 2020  
Cool shot and well spotted.
October 14th, 2020  
Maybe this is the first of a new fairy colony.
October 14th, 2020  
Great shot of this nice find
October 14th, 2020  
A great find and capture whilst it is there they dont last long before they disappear from sight.It must be the fairies.
October 14th, 2020  
i noticed some on ours too when i gave it a cut today. nice pic beryl
October 14th, 2020  
One of my mother’s favorite sayings “Lou Ann, pick up ——, it stands out like a sore thumb”. Ha. Since we haven’t had much rain, our mushrooms have not come out this month.
October 14th, 2020  
I like the frilled edges.
October 15th, 2020  
I see these a lot wonder if they are poisonous- nice shot
October 15th, 2020  
An ‘interesting’ surprise!
October 15th, 2020  
I like the fungi, nicely framed by the green grass.
October 15th, 2020  
Lovely shot. Great clarity.
October 15th, 2020  
@louannwarren Ha ha ! so true - I had to walk up to it wondering who had been on my lawn !!
October 15th, 2020  
Great shot of Nature...fav
October 16th, 2020  
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