• April 2016

1st Apr 2016 - April Fool's day
4th Apr 2016 - Happy family
5th Apr 2016 - Alpaca
6th Apr 2016 - Donkeys
7th Apr 2016 - Patterns
8th Apr 2016 - Clouds
9th Apr 2016 - Let there be light
10th Apr 2016 - Welcome  - Croeso
12th Apr 2016 - Blue bells and white bells
13th Apr 2016 - Clouds
14th Apr 2016 - Periwinkle
15th Apr 2016 - Sunshine and shadows
16th Apr 2016 - The Sun has got his cap on  hip, hip, hoorray  !!
17th Apr 2016 - Up on the hill !
18th Apr 2016 - Euphorbia - amygadaloids, var robbiae
24th Apr 2016 - Tulip and blue bells
27th Apr 2016 - Me and my shadow
28th Apr 2016 - THings are sprouting out all over !!