Slides from Dad by bizziebeeme

Slides from Dad

Both girls popped over today always nice to see them. I had some bags for them to sort theough as I have been clearing the loft and they loved going through school reports and childhood memories. It was a great morning.
I made egg mayo sandwiches which everyone enjoyed. I went with Millie over to Mums. A wonderful afternoon I needed up taking a few more Christmas bits. Millie left around 6:30. I had a soup at Mums so I could stay within my calories. I resisted the sweets and ‘foodies on the table. Well all except for a few brazils and cashlews. Hubby came to collect me around 7:15. He set up the ring doorbell for Mum and Dad. On the way back home stopped off at Sainsburys for a bit of shopping.

1. Wonderful seeing both girls today
2. A lovely time at Mums this afternoon
3. Dad giving me slides to scan.
A lovely day with family, there’s nothing better.
January 9th, 2023  
How very exciting.
January 9th, 2023  
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