Where I've been by blueberry1222

Where I've been

I just returned from a massive hiking trip in the Pacific Northwest. Pictured is where hubby and I began on the Middle Fork Trail next to the Snoqualmie River.

The entire journey was inspired by the Covid lockdown times when I was restricted from going to the gym. I bought a little stair-stepper thing and took to watching 4K virtual hiking videos at home. This hike was the first video I watched ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlbF9imkUMM&t=7100s ) and I longed to go there the moment I first saw it. It was truly a dream vacation and we couldn't have asked for better weather. Not a single day rained while we hiked for nine straight days, although it sometimes drizzled, but not enough to get us wet. I was getting nervous about our trip when saw it was raining hard for weeks before our arrival. The sky gods were good to us while there.
A beautiful place to hike!
June 23rd, 2024  
Did you see Snoqualmie Falls and do they still have that mini railroad all around the mountain? It is a really lovely area. I’m glad you were able to go to this beautiful place after seeing it on your covid exercise. Terrific capture of the area.
June 23rd, 2024  
Looks like a lovely place to hike!
June 24th, 2024  
@shutterbug49 Yup, we saw the falls and the train still does its little route (although we didn't go on it.)
June 24th, 2024  
What an awesome trip! I am insanely jealous. Looking forward to more photos.
June 24th, 2024  
So beautiful. I would love to hike that trail
June 24th, 2024  
Looks wild and remote - you must be very fit! I watch virtual bike rides from my exercycle!
June 24th, 2024  
What a great looking trail!!!
June 24th, 2024  
Looks like the PNW. I feel so blessed to live here and have all the wonderful hikes through places like this. Beautiful shot
June 24th, 2024  
Glad you had such a good time and weather.
June 24th, 2024  
Looks a great place to hike
June 24th, 2024  
Great scenery
June 24th, 2024  
What a great looking place.
June 24th, 2024  
Fantastic - I bet your backpack was heavy with food for 9 days!!
June 24th, 2024  
Looks like a beautiful trail! very inviting!
June 24th, 2024  
Beautiful scene
June 24th, 2024  
Glad you had good weather
June 24th, 2024  
@christinav Oh, no, we didn't do that! We hiked daily but stayed in hotels!
June 24th, 2024  
How glorious!
June 24th, 2024  
A wonderful place to wander.
June 25th, 2024  
What a great thing, to do what you saw on YouTube. The PNW is such a wonderful area.
June 26th, 2024  
Lovely for you and Ryan to get out in a very different wilderness. Never would have thought to watch videos for exercise, I usually watch lying in bed! Crochet alongs i do, how is your crochet coming along?
July 12th, 2024  
@kali66 Oh, I officially gave up on crochet. My brain and hands just don't communicate! I'm still working on writing my final book, that's like my main hobby. I'm more than halfway through. When that's all done, I think I'll learn how to be a master gardener. What's new with you?
July 12th, 2024  
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