I ordered a wheelchair earlier this week to make taking mum places easier. We went to pick it up today. After, Dave went and did a big shop while I went to meet mum to look around Archway market. Bought the odd thing before having lunch in a newish place Nathalie's Kitchen - big salad with halloumi for mum and a very good vegetarian breakfast for me.
Left mum in the pub with half a lager while I got her shopping from M&S then got a cab back to her flat with it. Came home via Crouch End and the nice clothes shop there somehow managing to buy two dresses. I got home to find that Dave had naughtily bought jam doughnuts from Sainsbury's.
The change to a weelchair is a decisive moment. However, make sure that she walks and moves as much as possible. I know that it is difficult and we give in to sick parents, but it is worth activating them.