Hungry swans! by busylady

Hungry swans!

The swans came racing over towards us today and frightened my granddaughter half to death! They were really quite threatening and were pecking at my sleeve. I was surrounded by swans Canada geese, ducks and seagulls, so no wonder she felt scared - I didn't much like it myself. In order to get this picture I had to leave her in the relative safety of the playground which is fenced, and run over to get a few quick shots. Taken in the Riverside Park St Neots.
Flipping heck - I'm not surprised she was scared! Quite funny from the safety of my iPad though - come on swan those foreign geese are doing too well!
November 2nd, 2012  
It makes for a great photo! Sorry your granddaughter was frightened though. They can be pretty agressive when they are hungry.
November 2nd, 2012  
Greedy things & I like the look of swans in the distance but they can be hissing devils & frightening!
November 2nd, 2012  
OMGosh that"s one active pond... Can't help but want to join you.
November 3rd, 2012  
Wow there is so much going on this this shot. I Love it...
November 3rd, 2012  
Thought I recognised this Judith. Wonderful shot with so many birds vying for your attention! No wonder your grandaughter was frightened. It's amazing you all got out alive! They look quite ferocious. Nice to get the seagulls in flight as a bonus
November 3rd, 2012  
Many a small boy on a farm has been chased to the house by geese! (Not me, but I have heard the stories). A brave capture.
November 3rd, 2012  
So much bird action - that swan looks very threatening!
November 3rd, 2012  
Scary indeed!
November 4th, 2012  
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