The Fairytale Castle,Budapest by carolmw

The Fairytale Castle,Budapest

Many thanks for all your views,comments and favs,always much appreciated.
Gloriously beautiful ! fav
April 9th, 2019  
I'm with Beryl. Fav.
April 9th, 2019  
I like the process and the beautiful reflections.
April 9th, 2019  
Brilliant processing and fairytale capture, beautiful and a big fav
April 9th, 2019  
Stunning image with wonderful architectural details and reflections
April 9th, 2019  
Perfect title and nice reflections
April 9th, 2019  
Stunning location and photo.
April 9th, 2019  
Wonderful palace...nicely edited...fav
April 9th, 2019  
A wonderful shot.
April 9th, 2019  
Wow! Beautiful
April 9th, 2019  
great photo of a lovely place
April 9th, 2019  
Wonderful shot
April 9th, 2019  
Wonderful architecture and reflections!
April 9th, 2019  
fantastic :)
April 10th, 2019  
Wow... that does look like a farrytale castle! Great image.
April 10th, 2019  
Wow, it really is a fairy tale!
April 10th, 2019  
How fascinating and what grand reflections!
April 10th, 2019  
Big fav. Incredible shot, beauty and reflections.
April 10th, 2019  
Gorgeous! I love your processing. Fav
April 10th, 2019  
Amazing shot and wonderful reflection...fav
April 10th, 2019  
Great shot and reflections Fav
April 10th, 2019  
Goodness, fairytale indeed - all those little turrets! Love the reflections too.
April 15th, 2019  
Beautiful image and title.
April 15th, 2019  
I've been to Budapest many times but haven't made it out to Vajdahunyad Castle.

Next Time!
April 17th, 2019  
The Szechenyi Baths are nearby too. :)
April 17th, 2019  
@travel .Thanks for the follow.We didn't have time to visit the Baths,but saw the building from the gardens.
April 17th, 2019  
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