It's that Time Of The Year Already! by carolmw

It's that Time Of The Year Already!

Had my MRI yesterday,just have to wait for the results now.My mobility isn;t good at the moment,lot of back pain,also some numbness in my feet and legs.I think I've probably got a disc pressing on a nerve.My GP gave me painkillers when I saw her,but they made me feel really ill.I'm sticking to paracetamol,and putting up with the pain.
Many thanks for all your views,comments and favs,always much appreciated.
Not sure what they are but they do look awesome. Hope you get better soon.
July 29th, 2024  
July 29th, 2024  
I used to love conker time when I was a child. Hope you get your MRI results quickly
July 29th, 2024  
Take care Carol I hope you get your results soon and get some relief
July 29th, 2024  
Wonderfully presented
July 29th, 2024  
July 29th, 2024  
Nice bokeh and pretty green! So sorry to hear about your back pain and mobility challenges. I empathize, as I have chronic low back pain which makes it very difficult to be in my feet for very long at a time. Spinal stenosis. Yes, sometimes we just have to push through the pain, don't we? Prayers for relief for you!
July 29th, 2024  
Great focus and I love the bokeh.
July 29th, 2024  
A lovely close-up of this conker - fav! Sorry to hear about your back pain, I hope the scan results are back quickly and that the result is something that can be treated and the pain delt with.

July 29th, 2024  
A beautiful fresh find , and lovely bokeh background ! I empathise Carol sufffering with osteoporosis, Spinal stenosis, and the lower back pain is chronic Like you can not take more efficient pain killers so can only take co codomol ! Hope you get your results soon and get some relief !
July 29th, 2024  
Love conkering… fortunately so do my sons
July 29th, 2024  
Oh dear Carol sorry you aren’t very mobile at the moment. It will affect your life so much….hope you get relief. Conker time….doesn't seem five minutes since the trees were full of flowers. I can see ours at the bottom of the garden must check it out.
July 29th, 2024  
A lovely green capture
So sorry to hear about your pain,hope your scan picks the problem up
July 29th, 2024  
Although they are a messy tree, I love them!
Hope you don’t have to wait long for results and a “fix”.
July 29th, 2024  
Nice capture!
July 29th, 2024  
Super shot. It's no fun getting older, is it Carol? I hope they will be able to sort you out soon.
July 29th, 2024  
beautiful dof
July 29th, 2024  
Very nice shot. Prayers your way
July 29th, 2024  
That's a gorgeous shot. Best wishes for some helpful results.
July 29th, 2024  
Gosh, conker time already! Hope you can get some relief soon, back pain is miserable!
July 29th, 2024  
A beautiful capture with the greens and your lovely bokeh! Fav! I hope you get your results soon, Carol, and I hope you can be helped with this. Thinking of you.
July 29th, 2024  
Beautiful capture and composition! Will be thinking of you and hoping you find relief from the pain very soon!!
July 30th, 2024  
Wonderful close up capture!
I had 3 bulging disks pressing on nerves last March but am feeling much better these days! It took stretches and chiropractor visits 3 times a week on a decompression table. My friend got relief with acupuncture! I hope you find relief soon!
July 30th, 2024  
Conkers😊and commiserations
July 30th, 2024  
Great shot and focus. I am suffering from sciatica in my right hip at the moment but I try not to think of it and continue on my daily routine.
July 30th, 2024  
Lovely composition and bokeh. I am sorry about your disability. I hope the doctors will help you get back to health.
July 30th, 2024  
I hope you get your MRI results soon and feel better.
July 30th, 2024  
I know what back pain is like as I had an operation for a prolapsed disc 24 years ago and because I was left too long I have permanent nerve damage. I hope they sort you out quickly so that you don’t suffer the same problem
July 30th, 2024  
Back pain is horrible and what a nuisance the painkillers made you feel so ill! I hope you get some effective treatment asap. Sending you a gentle hug, Carol.

Love the greens in your image, great focusing too.
August 2nd, 2024  
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