You Little S&*$ by cdonohoue

You Little S&*$

This guy earned his title honestly. It is a macro photographers dream day in Cincinnati - over cast and as windy as all get out. And this guy was fast. We fought it out for about five minutes before I could get a usable shot. Every time I got him in focus the wind would play up or off he would go.
Isn't that wonderful when the weather helps for great shots like this one. Love it. FAV
July 8th, 2014  
July 8th, 2014  
Such a stinker. I had a still bee on the cone flowers the other day, but I didn't feel like running to get the camera. Plus, I don't have a macro lens.
July 8th, 2014  
I love the soft focus and how the background color enhances the color of the flower!
July 8th, 2014  
Great bee shot.
July 8th, 2014  
Super capture:-)They're very uncooperative when we try to photograph them!
July 8th, 2014  
I feel your frustration! I tried a similar shot this morning with the same obstacles and you will note there is nothing like it posted for me today! This one turned out very well!
July 8th, 2014  
A lovely bee capture Cathy but it i so lovely.
July 8th, 2014  
Well you got him. Great persistence and nice shot
July 8th, 2014  
Well done. Photography in the wind is always a challenge
July 8th, 2014  
Fabulous result though
July 9th, 2014  
Beautiful capture after all that frustration!
July 9th, 2014  
Lovely colour and detail
July 9th, 2014  
Haha yes I can relate to this bees are sometimes so frustrating but well done its hard enough without wind wonderful capture you got him!
July 9th, 2014  
Wonderful capture and wind can be quite troublesome! x
July 10th, 2014  
Fabulous close-up capture.
July 10th, 2014  
It's still a great capture! Little booger.
July 11th, 2014  
hahaha, I love this commentary, especially on this serenely toned peaceful shot! It really is like that sometimes, this incredible beauty that comes out of the battle!
July 12th, 2014  
Beautiful composition and colors.
July 15th, 2014  
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