Choir by craftymeg


I have just found this very old photo of my junior school choir. I remember the day and this photo being taken, it was 63 years ago after we had won in the choir competition in Whitby. It was taken near Whitby Abbey.. I remember everyone’s name except for 2 which I think isn’t bad for such a long time ago. My sister is also on the photo, I was 10 my sister was 8..
I’m afraid black doesn’t help much.

Now here’s a question, can anyone pick me out?
Just to make it fun a pack of handmade cards goes to the winner!!

Thank you for all your lovely comments and favs all are appreciated and welcome.

I’ve studied the picture to try and figure out which one is you… my guess is the third to the left of the adult with the lighter hair & glasses on the right… she is in the second row up from the bottom. I’d love to win some of your cards… you do beautiful work. I think your sister might be the shortest one in the center of the front row.
July 2nd, 2023  
I think front row, second in from the left. I also would love to win some of your lovely cards 🙏😊 great memories here and I’m super impressed with your recall on the names!
July 2nd, 2023  
What a cute vintage photo!
July 2nd, 2023  
Oh! I love to see old school photos - so difficult to pick little Margaret as I have only known you from 375. But my guess is the one on the right end of the row before last row ( behind the teacher in glasses!! ) If so your sister may have been front row second from right!
July 2nd, 2023  
Wonderful heritage photo
July 2nd, 2023  
@beryl @pattyblue @kvphoto
Sorry no to all. Have another go!!

A big clue, I haven’t changed hugely to my profile photo!!
July 2nd, 2023  
Love the uniforms - wish they were still required now!
July 2nd, 2023  
Second last row on the right?
July 2nd, 2023  
This is doing my head in !!! Ha ! could it be the centre girl on the 4th row from the front!!!
July 2nd, 2023  
July 2nd, 2023  
A blast from the past! 4th row, 2nd in from the right?
July 2nd, 2023  
A lovely nostalgic capture
July 2nd, 2023  
I think I recognize a smile. Third row a girl with long dark hair next to a boy. I have pictures like that too, but most of them I can't remember the names of my friends.
July 2nd, 2023  
A great group picture. It’s wonderful that you still remember some of the children!
My guess is that you are on the row before last, the second girl from the right.. you were wearing a white shirt without a tie.
July 2nd, 2023  
Wow what a great memory shot!
My guess is the first row, first girl on the right?
July 2nd, 2023  
I am hopeless at recognising people in old photos but I think the girl on the left, second row in front of the teacher with the dark hair.
July 2nd, 2023  
Wonderful photo and story!
July 3rd, 2023  
Front row, second from left. Lovely image!
July 3rd, 2023  
Lovely and memorable shot. I think you must be in the front row and fourth from the right.
July 3rd, 2023  
A blast from the past
July 3rd, 2023  
Wonderful photo. Can't wait to see which one is you.
July 3rd, 2023  
wonderful keepsake
July 3rd, 2023  
What a great photo. My guess is first row fourth from the right
July 3rd, 2023  
@randystreat @corinnec
CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU BOTH! Two winners, I have sent you both a message. Sorry to everyone who joined in and made it such good fun.
July 3rd, 2023  
@craftymeg Whoohoo! You look there almost like you look in you photo on this site. Is your sister two rows down with the blonde hair?
July 3rd, 2023  
Don’t forget to send your address Kathy , I will get them posted.
My sister is on the front row first left. She’s not changed much either!!
July 4th, 2023  
@corinnec please send your address fo my email and I will post your cards.
July 4th, 2023  
@craftymeg It was a holiday today Meg and I was out all day. I sent it this evening
July 5th, 2023  
@craftymeg Ah, that was good fun - I was sure I was right, but no! Very envious of the winners. :-)
July 6th, 2023  
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