I Have No Vanity Left by darylo

I Have No Vanity Left

My youngest convinced me to head to the city pool with her today. She has an underwater digital camera and I could not help but steal it--I swore I was "not going to get my hair wet." Yeah, right.

My head is just breaking below the surface and I'm pointing the camera upwards toward myself as I go wide-eyed in the water--bubble to side of nose is a beauty mark. ;)
ha ha - good shot!
June 16th, 2013  
@photofella Thanks! :)
June 16th, 2013  
Lol! Original and it's great!
June 16th, 2013  
Excellent selfie!
June 16th, 2013  
Fun selfie!
June 16th, 2013  
FUN fun fun selfie!!! I admire you -- it's a great image! And fits today's word for June, vacation!
June 16th, 2013  
This will probably make the PP. very fun summer shot!
June 16th, 2013  
Fun selfie, for sure! You have such a nice energy for your photography work, and your results truly depict that energy nicely. @Taffy and I bought underwater cameras a couple of years ago and we can attest to how much fun they are.
June 16th, 2013  
Lol!! I love this !! Your expression is wonderful
June 16th, 2013  
so good, I bow down before you for taking the plunge (pun actually intended)
June 16th, 2013  
I love this portrait! Love the way the water looks. And, of course, i love your water beauty mark ;)! Great pic.
June 16th, 2013  
@spair @witchyjacq @witchyjacq @tara11 @taffy @danette @jyokota @gsanemone @ness50 @stimuloog Gosh thanks all. I have to say I do not like posting myself, but I'm trying not to be so self-conscious about it and, well, the camera made me do it. Taffy and Junko, do you still use the waterproof cameras?
June 16th, 2013  
I love this shot, what fun you must be. Fabulous selfie.
June 16th, 2013  
Thanks for the Fav- I love your project. Very fun and interesting person and some excellent photography.
June 16th, 2013  
June 16th, 2013  
Creative, fun, and very fabulous selfie! I want to hang with you!
June 16th, 2013  
that is so cool!!
June 16th, 2013  
Fav! I wish I could Fav it more than once. What an excellent shot and I really want to see this very cool photograph on the PP.
June 16th, 2013  
Wow fab shot, very cool. Well done you for giving it a try and for getting such a great result.
June 16th, 2013  
Great expression, and a very cool selfie!
June 16th, 2013  
@pflaume Yay! I want to hang with you too! You can teach me to take great architectural shots and I can take your photo underwater--that is IF my daughter will lend us her camera again! ;)
June 17th, 2013  
@steampowered You are VERY kind Paul. It's a bit of a silly photo really, but I had fun with it!
June 17th, 2013  
@masosy @mothervic @nicoleterheide @jo13 @lunaksi @jannkc gosh, thanks y'all for the lovely comments. It's such a silly shot, but now I want to take more underwater photos (not selfies, though). :)
June 17th, 2013  
@darylo Wouldn't that be grand!? I'd love it!
June 17th, 2013  
In general, I'm not a fan of the selfies... but this is awesome!!
June 17th, 2013  
@pflaume Oh, YES IT WOULD! :)
June 17th, 2013  
@mariaostrowski I'm most definitely NOT A FAN of a selfie of ME...lol...I only do it for the sake of humor and to give my fellow 365ers a good chuckle....at my own expense. :)
June 17th, 2013  
Well, so much for the hair do. What a great snap, Daryl! Looks like you got your share of sun on your cheeks too!
June 17th, 2013  
LOVE this! Great shot
June 17th, 2013  
Lovely! Great selfie - the best I have seen!
June 17th, 2013  
Love this!! Awesome selfie! You're such a great mom!
June 18th, 2013  
Fun shot!
June 18th, 2013  
Fantastic! You are good with any camera!
June 19th, 2013  
I love this! I have done a similar shot myself. So fun!
June 19th, 2013  
That's a wonderful selfie! Love it.
June 19th, 2013  
You are so brave! What a fun shot.
June 22nd, 2013  
Excellent selfie. I admire you, Daryl O'Hare.
June 24th, 2013  
Haha, I saw your pic again on the 'saying goodbye to Paul'-page. It made me laugh again! FAV for that!!! :)
April 13th, 2014  
Vanity is lame. You rocked this. Fav!
July 20th, 2014  
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