This will be my everything bag for my trip to Japan/Bali. It fits ample camera gear, a tripod, a water bladder, and is all weather. One of the cool features is being able to "flip" the full bag around the waste while still attached and fully accessible. It's pretty cool. The orange color is a bit striking!
@888rachel Really heavy (the gear, not the pack). My tripod is 3.5 pounds which is a lot. It's the best compact real tripod I could find. The lighter version was only a pound lighter. I loooooove it, but I'm going to walk around for a month with everything on my back before I go so I'm ready for touring with such a load. I'll be mostly loaded in Japan as it's a packed tour for 4 days. In Bali, I will not really "take everything" with me every day because I'll be surfing. That is, if I can get my lard butt in gear and lose the pounds necessary!
@danette weighs in at 15 pounds with everything on and I haven't even added the "water bladder" on the side. Yikes! I won't be carrying everything each day, but 1.5 days I will when I go to Kyoto.