Slow To Speak, SLow To Wrath by digitalrn

Slow To Speak, SLow To Wrath

"Wherefore my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God." (James 1:19-20)

I came across this snapper turtle sunning himself on a ledge. I thought for sure when I approached him he would scamper off and over the edge back into the water, but he did not. He moved along so slowly, allowing me ample time to grab a few photos of him. When you see a turtle you automatically think of "slow."
The more I thought about this turtle and how slow he was moving, I thought about this scripture and how aptly this creature applies to the way we should be. We should heed the advice and be swift to hear, willing to learn the wisdom of others that have gone before us. We should be slow to speak, learn to hold our tongue, practice restraint, and above all, be slow to wrath, refraining from our angry outbursts, our lashing out at others. The damage that is done in those uncontroleld moments can cause scars for a life time. It is tough at times to hold our tongue, but we will be the wiser if we learn that valuable lesson early in life. We have all experienced those trying times, and we have all been sorry for acting in a way that was unbecoming to us, but once it happens, it's history. All we can do is go on and try harder next time. Afterall, we're not perfect.
Once again, good words to live by. I'm curious, did you know what a snapping turtle looked like? I don't think I could tell a box turtle from a snapping turtle or any other for that matter,.
September 4th, 2010  
Rick that scripture brought to mind two verses from Proverbs about the tongue:
Proverbs 13:3 He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin.

Proverbs 21:23 He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity.
September 4th, 2010  
Great pic! I looove turtles, and I often think to that I should learn from them, and slow down a bit.

Reply to your comment on "I hate spiders" aaaaahhhh...... now i'll have trouble sleeping. Seriously, it happened to me once... a spider crawled on my hand while I was in bed (I saw it, and killed it). I slept on the couch that night lol.
September 4th, 2010  
Beautiful photo of this guy.
September 4th, 2010  
So very true, thank you for the reminder. Wish I could run into a such luck here in the city :(
September 4th, 2010  
beautiful picture
September 4th, 2010  
Lovely what you wrote. Beautiful shot.
September 4th, 2010  
Nice photo, you always have such a nice insightful message.
September 4th, 2010  
I love the deepness of the title.nice colors on your photo. great shot :)
September 4th, 2010  
wise words.
September 4th, 2010  
nice thoughts! great photo too
September 4th, 2010  
CUTE TURTLE. We should all be slower to wrath... and judgement. I like the thought behind the image. :)
September 4th, 2010  
Great picture of the turtle. I like your wise comments.
September 4th, 2010  
Great capture with the turtle. I love his shell.
September 4th, 2010  
Awesome!! Love this
September 4th, 2010  
A fabulous shot Rick & your words as always, are wise.. Thank you!
September 4th, 2010  
nice thoughts rick and photo too!
September 4th, 2010  
Cute turtle! The photo is awesome and the words you wrote are just so wise.
September 4th, 2010  
What a cute little fellow! Nicely framed :)
September 4th, 2010  
ah...I have trouble with that slow to speak...need to listen more and better. Not hot tempered, just don't listen as well as I should--thanks for the reminder. Nice shot.
September 4th, 2010  
Very nice find - great focus!
September 4th, 2010  
Well he's just cute!! Great shot!!
September 4th, 2010  
Nice shot of Mr. Turtle. Snappers are not the friendliest guys around!
September 4th, 2010  
Yep, engage brain before mouth, lol.
Nice shot :)
September 4th, 2010  
beautiful shot... and I learnt more about these creatures!
September 4th, 2010  
Great shot. Great scripture to go with it!
September 4th, 2010  
this was sooo perfect for me today--thanks for sharing! nice shot of the little guy! :)
September 4th, 2010  
I love the quote!
I also love this turtle! I like the editing you added to it! beautiful capture! :D
September 4th, 2010  
Wonderful shot and wonderful offerings of wisdom.
September 4th, 2010  
I *adore* turtles! And, once again, your personal reflection is SO fitting ...

I teach 3rd grade.
September 4th, 2010  
very nice shot of this cutie.... and love the accompanying text....
September 4th, 2010  
Again you have a great picture , and text to go with it Rick
September 4th, 2010  
great shot and love your edit here Rick
September 4th, 2010  
This is a very nice turtle -- it looks quite content to be slowly moving along. And soooooooo true about needing to be slow with our tongue; in a moment of anger our tongue can cause deep hurt to others as well as to ourselves.
September 4th, 2010  
September 5th, 2010  
Congrats for making it to the popular page :)
September 5th, 2010  
Good message and picture.
September 5th, 2010  
the sentiment is one i resonate with. :)
September 5th, 2010  
I agree with you - we could learn a few lessons from a slow acting turtle. Great shot!
September 5th, 2010  
Simply stunning shot!
September 5th, 2010  
Excellent photo. You photos are always brilliant, and I love the words you express with them!!!
September 5th, 2010  
Wonderful shot, and as you often do, you've shared some "food for thought" along with your daily post.
September 5th, 2010  
wise words and great photo. I love tortoises and turtles :)
September 6th, 2010  
perfect--love this shot and the verses you've tied to it. and so true. you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.
September 6th, 2010  
Such a cool shot and thots that ring true.
September 19th, 2010  
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