Spotted this cute little ornament on one of the trees at work, and couldn't pass it by. And just so you know, I actually am way ahead compared to other years. All my gifts are wrapped. Other years it always ends up being a massive gift wrap session Christmas Eve. Not this year.
Super cute! I m lucky not to have to buy and wrap this year... well, just a few for god-daughters and my parents, but I am wayyyyy behind on my Christmas letter... hopefully it will go out on Friday so people will be getting it throughout the Christmas week... :)
I am ahead of most years as far as wrapping is concerned. All the shopping is done and the "money" gifts just have to be creatively packaged. But once again, my Christmas cards will go out after Christmas. However, this year I'm putting all the addresses in the computer so that I can print out labels from now on. So next year they may even go out before! Cute shot Rick and congratulations on being ahead of the game!
this is one that makes me smile. Oh I'm doing much better than in the past. I purchased gifts for my 8 out of the 12 grandchildren. I actually purchased 9 but had to use it for her birthday present. I still have the 4 Christmas presents, a bunch of birthday presents including my husband (Dec 27), grandson (Dec 27) daughter (Dec 26).
I dread this time of year every year -
I'm mostly done. No wrapping at home yet. Hmmm .... I'd better hurry up. I actually love shopping and wrapping on Christmas eve. This year though, my daughter and I are out with Santa deliverying gifts all day so my time will be limited to wrapping only in the evening. Hmm ... I'd better hurry up and finish the shopping. ;-)
I dread this time of year every year -