Cool Subjects for Photos

August 12th, 2012
hey guys! I am running out of ideas for photos! please help me out!
August 12th, 2012
* Find a site that lists local events in your area. (A local newspaper probably has an events section. Attend the event and look for shots (especially among the other attendees) that tell an interesting story.

* Does your hometown have an interesting history? Show us some!

* Is there anything in your hometown that shows a lot of subject contrast? e.g. A modern structure next to a 400 year old building. Windmills in the same scene as modern power lines, etc.

* Do you live near a downtown location where people congregate? Grab some street shots! Look for shots that tell a story, like waiting in rain at a bus stop, or the businessman in a suit riding a bike to work.
August 13th, 2012
August 13th, 2012
Go to your local library- a librarian can point you to books full of ideas.
August 13th, 2012
you wanna be a teen pop sensation...something you'd sing about.
August 13th, 2012
Go to a junkyard!

August 13th, 2012
1. an ordinary subject. Study it or just start taking shots. Shoot low. Shoot high. Shoot from the right. Shoot from the left. Zoom in. Zoom out. Take shots of this subject in various kinds of light. Take shots of this subject throughout the day to see what morning light, noon light, evening light, etc. do the subject. 2. Take a tour of your house, yard or neighborhood and see things from a different perspective. Sometimes, I even shut my eyes and partially turn around. When I open my eyes, I often see something shot worthy. 3. One person told me to go down the alleys and shoot the back of buildings. In my city, that is something I would only do with someone else along. But the backs of the buildings often look a lot different than the fronts!

I hope these 3 ideas help.
August 13th, 2012
Do the challenges :)
the tag challenge, street photography challenge, camera settings challenge, the get pushed challenge, photo a day project...
I never run out of ideas because everyday I see a photo or technique that I would like to try.
I also fav others photos of things techniques and go back to my fav list when I need an idea.
August 13th, 2012
If you take a photo of a swan, apparently, you will instantly go straight to the popular page with it! Haha (see discussion board on swan discussion if you have not already)
August 13th, 2012
I've seen people choose a color theme or maybe different shapes. Maybe go for a drive and looks for shots to take. You could take a walk in a park and see what you can find.
August 13th, 2012
Think summer (if it's summer where you)... bright colours, blowing bubbles, beaches, kites, water balloons, ice cream, etc.
August 13th, 2012

It's a random idea generator, maybe it can get some creative juices stirring...
August 13th, 2012
@tjs_world_part_2 That's kinda fun and could become totally addicting!
August 13th, 2012
@esha The get pushed challenge is fun because someone else tells you what to shoot. Also I like the look of the shoot a rainbow idea. Have a look at the 10 photo projects to do before you die list on the side bar for ideas too.
August 13th, 2012
c'est ca.
in the street, in your family, amongst your friends. Ask cool people you know to do a model photoshoot with you. give them accessories and funky hats and stuff. buy a cheap film camera off ebay for less than $5 and shoot some film. Buy an A-Z of the worlds famous photographers and go through making a pic inspired by each, learning eachs defining style. Or as an intro to something like that check out my world-of-photo series through August and make an image inspired by some of the photographers I feature. Record all the interiors in your house and other buildings but without any people in. Make a record of cool cars, and old cars photographing them in an absolutely identicle format each time and putting them together like a catalogue. There's so many things its endless.
August 13th, 2012
@espyetta Ha ha ha.... I tried that, it does not always work..
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