Taking Candy from Kids... Raw Emotions

June 10th, 2013
I don't agree with this method, and some of the photos will tear your heart out.. to do this to a child is really just horrid..

June 10th, 2013
I don't agree with the methods at all. Pictures in another realm would be endearing but not when induced.
June 10th, 2013
The methods are deplorable. And to go and advertise them even, seems proud of the "ingenuity."
June 10th, 2013
Ugh, and then the "artist" gives the images the caustically overdone HDR treatment just to make them even more horrible.
June 10th, 2013
@sjoblues I noticed the HDR... and I honestly can't believe the parents thought this was a good thing..
June 10th, 2013
Can I take away all her camera gear and whatch her blub?? - the evil fucking bitch (with no apologies whatsoever for the language)
June 10th, 2013
All-around horrible; methods and processing.
June 10th, 2013
You can certainly capture the raw emotion of a child without this kind of method. All kids get upset and let their emotions fly - catch them then, not like this. I do prefer the raw emotion of laughter myself!!!

Shameless self-plug:
June 10th, 2013
@sassyinma I have to agree Sandi.
June 10th, 2013
It's really mean - and seriously - what kind of parent sets their small child up like that?
June 10th, 2013
I've just been writing a project proposal for a psych experiment that's fairly mundane and will be conducted on adult psych students. We have to jump through hoops ethically and consider any 'distress' we may cause to our participants by deceiving them (all in a very slight manner you understand!) and this bitch gets away with treating children like this. I think it's utterly deplorable and the lasting effects of what she's done haven't been considered at all. As someone on the page pointed out, the photographs are not the reactions of a child who has just had a sweetie removed, they are further down the line than that. The children have been in distress for more than a few minutes. I'm astounded that anyone can get away with this and I'm fuming!
June 10th, 2013
Well that just turned my happy day upside down. How could anyone do that to a child and where the hell is the mind of the parent that is going to let that happen. It is abuse. Nothing more than abuse and is totally disgusting. That is NOT art. People jump up and down and cry abuse to circus animals but are allowing this. There is no difference. I think I need to go find a happy place to hang out after seeing that.
June 10th, 2013
@frankhymus I wasn't advertising this. I found it quite disturbing when I saw it posted. And I did not voice my opinion one way or the other to see if others had the same reaction. I am amazed parents let the kids participate in this..
@k1w1 Christine.. I am sorry.. I hope the happy place is good!
June 10th, 2013
I don't agree with this method either. There are plenty of opportunities to capture "raw emotions" naturally without teasing a child. My interpretation is that this photographer is extremely impatient...if you want a photo of a crying child, there's plenty of opportunity in public places where children display their unhappiness by crying, throwing a tantrum, whining, etc. One could just ask the parent for permission to shoot such!
June 10th, 2013
@cheribug Of course I found a happy place. I always do. Sometimes a walk in the rain is the best thing ever :)
I'm pleased that you posted this so that others can be aware of the horrid things that some photographers do and draw attention to the negatives like you have. I just had no idea that something like this would be done. Crazy of me really and I have not lead a sheltered existance and I sure do not have a sheltered work life either.
Have a wonderful evening Cheryl :)
June 10th, 2013
Everything about this is awful.
June 10th, 2013
Looking the photos caused a high degree of distress in me. This is project is horrible, the parents should be made responsible. The fact that this is damaging the childs well being is the one side, but why on earth do these children in have to be without cloths, this makes it even worse.
June 10th, 2013
It's abuse, and also disturbing that the children are not clothed.
June 10th, 2013
That is absolutely horrible! :(
June 10th, 2013
that's just sad.. besides I'd rather see happy smiling kids.
June 10th, 2013
They all look like they have seen one of my shots!
June 10th, 2013
I felt sickened by the article; more so by the fact that the children had no clothes on. This woman has a sick mind... perhaps she was abused as a child, and this is her way of dealing with it!? How on earth could a parent agree to their child even being used for a project like this?
June 10th, 2013
@gailmmeek I was disturbed by the lack of clothes too. Who would want a picture of someone they love like this or allow them to be exploited in this way. I find it really upsetting and hope it doesn't get into my dreams.
June 10th, 2013
Wow, some people... @styru LOL, I'm with you there. (Can I photograph while you do that?!) ;-)
June 11th, 2013
I thought it was exploitative. If her objective was to upset people and get them thinking about child exploitation, then mission accomplished, but I doubt that was foremost on her mind. She also got carried away on the dodge and burn tool in whatever software she used for post processing....

@k1w1 perhaps this can take you to a happy place?
June 11th, 2013
@jsw0109 Thanks Jeff :) I work all week with disturbing stuff but none of it gets to me like seeing those poor babies being tortured like that!! Jersey girls and a walk in the rain have restored my faith in the world again :)
June 11th, 2013
Her website: http://www.jillgreenberg.com/

I agree with others that the nakedness (or at least topless - my guess is that they are wearing underwear and bottom garments), makes it all the more disturbing. It seems a bit perverse to take them into a studio, disrobe them, and then have a stranger make them cry, whilst taking photos of them.
June 11th, 2013
Those images are disturbing... more so as each child's reaction has been created specifically for photographing. I've got a couple of shots of my kids upset I've posted here and I feel uncomfortable with them at times - they were real moments though, and a cuddle from me was but seconds away! In this example, I am actually cuddling the poor girl as I take the photo. And I like the image, even though I feel sort of guilty that in her moment of distress I took a snap. But to do this intentionally is cruel and horrible!
June 11th, 2013
@jankoos her website scares me even more..
June 11th, 2013
I won't bother even clicking the link to her website.
June 11th, 2013
Ah well, here's a link to lighten the mood..

These photos, not my thing personally, mostly for the edit, but controversially, I'd just want to say, for every child, there is a parent who said it was okay.

I actually thought some of the comments were mildly amusing - clearly from exhausted parents of toddlers, like, "they can have my kid, he screams all day long" Haha.
June 11th, 2013
@amyamoeba - so cute - love to see little kids in their bathing suits too - totally adorable.

@cheribug - agreed Cheryl - looks like she does a lot of magazine covers.
June 11th, 2013
I am even more disgusted by the comments that followed - Greenberg has completely lost me as a fan - I do not view these as having any photographic value whatsoever and I cannot understand why anyone would do this - it is wildly immoral.
June 11th, 2013
@amyamoeba thank you
June 12th, 2013
The pictures got me stressed out enough, but reading the comments at the end of that link are what really got to me. I mean, it wasn't a NEW thing, to see that children are pretty much considered second class citizens. I try and avoid mainstream parenting as much as I can. I'm so happy to see that not ONE person in this thread has said "what's the big deal?" So thank you 365 community, that gives me a little hope.
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