Photography by a serial trespasser

October 11th, 2013
There's some interesting shots here from this trespasser.


October 11th, 2013
Wow, some amazing shots there. Thanks for the link.
October 11th, 2013
Awesome shots
October 11th, 2013
How did they do it !!!!
October 11th, 2013
October 11th, 2013
great photos. while in there looked through the photos from fukushima. very haunting.
October 11th, 2013
Some fantastic photos - they seem to have no fear of heights! But sad to see the photo of Durham Baths - I used to swim there when I was a student.
October 11th, 2013
Detroit is just a sad shell of its former self.
October 11th, 2013
Such an interesting set of photos-captivating. The stories behind the pictures are just as compelling as the pictures!
October 11th, 2013
FAbulous photography and adventure portrayed here!
October 11th, 2013
Incredible photos.
October 11th, 2013
Awesome photos!
October 11th, 2013
if this doesn't make you want to break the law, i don't know WHAT will! thanks for sharing
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