My progress so far

January 12th, 2011
This my first time doing a 365project. I started on Jan 1 and push myself to take a new photograph and upload it everyday. I feel that I am not pushing myself hard enough compare to other photographers. There are days I don't have enough time photograph especially when the days are short (winter).

Sidenote: I have been taking photographs in RAW and JPEG format.
January 12th, 2011
I have been shooting photographs in the RAW format to push myself to grow. During the winter, I have more time to take photographs than in any other time of the year. Therefore, I have been really pushing myself to experiment, shoot lots of pictures, and to work on my composition every day. I have been doing this project since December 31st, so I am new too. I think we should make this project our own and progress at our own rate. I feel that you have a good photographic eye. I can't wait to see what happens when you have more time to take photographs!
January 12th, 2011
Stefanie I'd not be so hard on yourself. Its my first time doing 365 too. And yesterday I didn't take a single photo at all. So I used a filler photo taken 2 days before that I haven't put up. Sometimes life gets busy and I just think to myself as long as I don't make it a habit of using fillers and I get out there then I'm doing good.

January 12th, 2011
Thank you and I am still going to continue wheather I am using my DSLR, flip video, or a point and shoot.
January 12th, 2011
@stefaniefarrow Try not to be so hard on yourself. Different people have different circumstances, time available, etc. Also, just because the days are short, that does not mean there are not as many opportunities for photos. This time of year is great for shots Indoors, night shots, that kind of thing.
January 13th, 2011

Since you mention night shots, that's what I am going to do for my Color II final project.
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