Self-portrait: looking for tips

January 6th, 2012
For year two of my project, I wanted to create a little more direction and inspiration to help keep me focused and motivated. My personal theme for January is "goals," so yesterday I decided to focus in on the fact that I take very few self-portraits and the ones I do are mainly reflections.

What advice and suggestions do you all have for doing selfies?

Here was yesterday's (yes I chose the out-of-focus version):

Here are the few others that came up last year ...

January 6th, 2012
Use a tripod and timer. Then you can really step away from the camera. I think they are hard to do but so many people here are doing fantastic self-portraits. It really pushes me to look at how to get comfortable in front of the camera. In doing so I think it helps me to help others to get more comfortable as well. Also, consider playing with editing. That will open up all kinds of interesting things to do with your pictures.
January 6th, 2012
Timers and remotes. I'm horrible at self portraits (did my first yesterday!) one person suggested masks. I agree, something that represents you but maybe takes the focus off you. At least to hopefully get comfortable on that side of the camera =) I have lots of ideas this year for my self portraits-lets hope I get the nerve up to do them! I also suggest places like flickr. Search self portraits and get inspired!
January 6th, 2012
I guess it depends on what you want from your images. For me they have to tell a story but in doing so they take longer to setup and execute but I feel they are much better than the normal selfie you see.

As an example here is how I did yesterdays picture:

Camera on tripod set in manual mode, with manual focus. Focus was first set using auto focus on the blinds just in front of me. Camera was on 10 second delay, so when I fired I moved to the spot where I had set the focus and waited.

I had a flash outside the window that was triggered via remote from the camera.

The camera was tethered to my notebook so I could check the image at full size and look for issues and fix - i.e. out of focus, lighting spots, noise, etc etc.

I also connect the camera up to the notebook and get the notebook to trigger the camera. I set it up so it will take 10 photo 10 seconds apart with a start delay of 10 seconds. I then move to a different position every time the flash fires, and then when there are not more flashes I check the results and adjust.

I was looking at getting a remote trigger but when I do these types of photos my camera is tethered to my notebook anyway. Now having said that I may get one going forward for times when I go to places where taking the notebook is just not viable.
January 7th, 2012
A tripod and remote are my best friends for self portraits. Another huge help is that my camera's LCD screen flips out so I can see myself. I also spend time editing my images to create the full story. The funny thing is that I hate having my picture taken, but my 365 is all selfies. I find being able to become something else makes me way more comfortable.
January 7th, 2012
Focusing is hard for me. I use manual because self timer with auto focus the lens focuses in on the empty space so by the time i get there I am out of focus. I usually set an object about where I am going to be then focus there , set timer, remove object and wait for shutter to click. All of this is done with a tripod. I would say a tripod is a must have for shooting selfies.
January 7th, 2012
Great post, I don't have much knowledge, so can't contribute. I do really like your second photo you posted.

@agima I have a few things to learn from you my friend :) I always wondered how people took shots like that. So I guess I should invest in a flash, reciever etc?
January 7th, 2012
Thanks for all the tips! I think ill be buying a tripod, also, are self portraits best done outside, or in your own enviroment?
January 7th, 2012
@splodge I do most of mine inside, in front of a window with stellar light, and use different things as brackdrops. Today I used a rug. I do go outside, but only when my theme for that day requires the outdoors.
January 7th, 2012
I like different angles. I've never been a fan of the reflection in the mirror shot. It's mostly about the camera and it's backwards. The only one who sees you like that on a regular basis is you.

the hard part is focus more than anything else. I've used my son as a stand in for me for focus. Once you have focus set up, the rest is easy with your tripod and self timer.
January 7th, 2012
@snaggleture thank you sir. Using flash and buying flash I a totally new world of photography and will lead you down a path that will cost you more $$$ than you would care to spend. ;-)

I see you are shooting with a Canon Rebel. Great camera. If I were you I would start with a Speedlite 580 EXII and dont bother with the cheaper/smaller lights. While they may seem better because of the price, once you progress through your lighting you will quickly out grow the smaller ones.

As for triggers, the 580 EX II is a trigger and a reciever - They call them master and slave. What you could of done to create the Alien shot I did yesterday is run a 10 meter ETTL lead from the camera out to the flash and then you could fire it that way.

I am more than happy to explain any of my photos and how they were taken. If I can share some of my knowledge and help someone progress through their photography then that is all that I can ask for. :)
January 7th, 2012
@splodge You can take selfie anywhere. Inside, out side, in the dark or full sun. It really depends on what you want the image to be. You are only limited by your imagination. :)

Don't be afraid to go a little wild. Take it from me, while you might feel some what stupid when you are taking the photos, the people viewing it will see it as fantastic and they will never know. One tip - If you don't feel like you look stupid you are doing it wrong. :)
January 7th, 2012
@splodge I prefer to take mine outside, because there's better light. Lately with it being winter, I've been stuck inside. Sometimes it's hard to get enough light from a window. So I use a lamp on a clamp (lol) that I can point in any direction. It really helps inside.
January 7th, 2012
I find outdoors easier for the light also. After taking many family portraits and running back and forth to hit the self timer, I bought a wireless remote for my Canon. Makes being in a photo SOOOO much easier. You can snap off a whole bunch of shots in minutes. A tripod is also key, although I am so lazy I leave it behind most times and hope for somewhere to prop my camera. Sadly, this is not good advice though. My selfie today is the perfect example. I planned to take a whole body shot, but I couldn't prop my camera well enough to get what I wanted so I cropped it down to a head shot. Oh well...I'll keep chugging along at them as I do feel it really helps figure out how to position OTHER people when you're photographing them.

Good luck! i hope you continue to try too. :)
January 7th, 2012
@archaeofrog here is an interesting thought... a different self shot each month. by june or july after this project, you will find all kinds of interesting ways of shooting self shots.
January 7th, 2012
Thanks everyone! Lots of helpful advice. I've got the tripod and the remote, but I really need to do more thinking about how to maximize their usage ... or just get out there (or in here) and do it!

@cchambers Great idea! Once a month is much more do-able for me than those who can do this everyday.

@agima Thanks so much for sharing! I think a little deconstruction helps take some of the fear and awe out of it, though it makes the product no less impressive.
January 10th, 2012
OK I will try self portrait per month. Never done it before...but .... I won't learn if I don't try. Great tips everyone!
January 11th, 2012

I set my little P&S I had with me that day on a nearby fence post. It took a few tries to get the framing right, getting the exposure right on the dress proved to be a little more difficult, would have been a lot easier not using a P&S.

Trick IMO is to keep trying new things. You can tell what worked and what didn't right away, and at least no one has to know about any 'bad' ones.
January 11th, 2012
@neda Awesome job! Thanks for the details too. I really just need to get out there ... and get some better ideas!
January 12th, 2012
@archaeofrog Serious, that's all it is, find photos you like, try and figure out what you like about them then recreate! Keep working at it :)!
January 13th, 2012
if you are looking for some really good selfies I would recommend you to look at @arielmagyawejr . he's a really pro at taking selfies! im sure you're gonna like it
January 14th, 2012
@lalola616 @neda @luluwow @bonniebouman @cchambers @kimgrowsup @sweett @webfoot @foursides @splodge @shuterfly @ariananeala

Thank you all for your comments, suggestions, and encouragement! I finally tried my first mildly elaborate set-up self-portrait.

Happy Friday the 13th!

January 14th, 2012
Love @archaeofrog picture above.
January 16th, 2012
@archaeofrog Excellent!!

Hey does your copy of Joy still have how to cook squirrel?

Followup shot, faceplant into the stack of open cookbooks *lol*!
January 16th, 2012
@neda Ha ha, excellent idea! No, this is the updated version of "Joy" re-written by the son, so I am pretty sure that the squirrel recipe was axed ...
January 16th, 2012
@archaeofrog Great show of emotion which can really make a selfie come to life. You did a fantastic job!
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